mandag den 29. marts 2010

Job i lægevidenskabs-formidling, -historie m.v.

Medicinsk Museion opslår 1-2 stillinger som adjunkt/lektor i hhv. medical science communikation og medical heritage production.
"(...) We are looking for two new members of faculty to contribute to our integrated research, teaching, heritage and outreach programme focussing on late 20th century and contemporary medical and health sciences in a cultural, aesthetic and historical perspective. The aim of the programme is to develop new modes of research-based collecting, exhibition making and web-based outreach by combining scientific content, cultural interpretation and aesthetic expression in innovative ways."
Sidste ansøgningsfrist er den 25. maj. Se hele opslaget her:

fredag den 26. marts 2010

Eksperter i det globale risikosamfund

Anders Blok,
Sociologisk Institut, KU (abl [at]
Divided socio-natures
– essays on the co-construction of
science, society, and the global environment

Controversies between scientific experts as to the exact nature of global environmental crises have become ubiquitous aspects of contemporary Euro-American public life. What might sociology tell us about the social significance of scientific knowledges in contemporary disputes on the fate of threatened nature in ‘world risk society’? This thesis draws on developments in the field of science and technology studies (STS), and particularly on the actor-network theory (ANT) of Bruno Latour and others, in outlining a novel analytical agenda for a globalized environmental sociology. Empirically, the thesis is organized around two multi-sited ethnographic case studies into world-spanning scientific and political conflicts surrounding Japanese whaling (biodiversity) and carbon markets (climate change). Each of these natureculture domains is analysed as important manifestations of the dynamic co-construction of science, society, and the global environment. Scientific knowledges turn out to be densely interwoven with cultural understandings of nature, collective social identities, and contentious projects of political ecology. Symmetrically, sociological theory and methodology stand in need of ‘ecological’ reconstruction, in taking seriously the role of non-human material agencies in global social life.

Københavns Universitet, SAMF.
Forsvaret finder sted 14.april kl.13.00 på Københavns Universitet, Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet. Bedømmelsesudvalget består af Ulrich Beck, Alan Irwin og Inge Kryger Pedersen.

mandag den 22. marts 2010

Hugin og Munin 254

Hvis nogen skulle have glemt det, er der, som annonceret i sidste nummer af Hugin og Munin, et foredrag med Robert Richards om Darwins teori om mind in nature i dag om et par timer på RUC. Arrangementer lidt længere ude i fremtiden, se nedenfor. Læsere opfordres til at fortælle om interessante artikler til vores nye feature, artikelnyt.
Mange hilsner, Hugin og Munins redaktør.

Indhold i nr. 254

25. marts, København:

Større møder:
6.-7. maj, Århus:

7. april, København: [ikke d. 8., som fejlagtigt angivet i mail]

Biomedical Research, Neglected Diseases, and Well-Ordered Science

Fysiker og filosof

Foredrag i Filosofisk Forum:

Torsdag den 25. marts kl. 19.30
i Auditorium 1, Købmagergade 44, København
v/ David Favrholdt, professor emeritus i filosofi, SDU

David Favrholdt har igennem en årrække beskæftiget sig med Niels Bohrs tydning af kvantemekanikken og Niels Bohrs filosofi. Han har gennem årene deltaget i den internationale debat vedrørende disse emner og er kendt verden over for sine artikler om Bohr, sin redigering af Niels Bohr: Collected Works, vol. 10, og for sin bog Niels Bohr's Philosophical Background. De to sidstnævnte ting er udkommet i Kina, og har også der vakt stor debat. For nylig har Favrholdt udgivet bogen Filosoffen Niels Bohr, hvori han argumenterer for, at Bohrs filosofi markerer et lige så skarpt hjørne inden for erkendelsesteoriens historie som Platons og sidenhen Kants filosofi. Aftenens foredrag vil tage udgangspunkt i denne bog.

lørdag den 20. marts 2010

Epistemiske værdier i adfærdsøkologi og palæontologi

Ph.D. forsvar:
Christian Baron:
Epistemic values in Behavioural Ecology and Paleontology
Wednesday, April 7, 2009 at 14:00
NBI, Blegdamsvej 21, København, auditorium M.

This thesis investigates the role of epistemic values, understood as methodological criteria of judgment, in two areas of evolutionary biology; behavioural ecology and paleontology. The focal point of the investigation on behavioural ecology is the debates on a cluster of problems related to the origin and maintenance of biological labour division, altruism, the theory of group selection vs. other kinds of selectionist accounts, and the handicap hypothesis concerning the reliability of biological signaling. The focal point of the investigation on paleontology is a cluster of problems that are all connected with the discussion on the evolutionary interpretation and significance of the Cambrian fossils of Burgess Shale, and include the scientific debates on their systematic interpretation, their morphological disparity, and the role of contingency in evolution. Based on a comparative study of publications connected to various scientific controversies in the two domains of inquiry it put forwards three general claims concerning the role of epistemic values in science that are empirically supported by the case studies: 1) There is a relation of reciprocal underdetermination between epistemic values and other important variables in the scientific process; 2) It is considerably easier for an individual scientist to convince other scientists of the validity of his of her conclusions if they are based on a set of values that are compatible with the dominant epistemic ideals of the scientific community of which the scientist is a member, and 3) the actions of individual scientists in scientific controversies constitute an important level of analysis in the investigation of epistemic values, where interesting phenomena occurs that may otherwise go unnoticed when focusing exclusively on the scientific collective. The existence of a relation of reciprocal underdetermination between epistemic values and other important epistemic variables is a serious hindrance for any universalist approach that attempts to establish the unification of the sciences on a uniform application of epistemic values. The dissent created by disagreements about how epistemic values are to be applied, is necessary in order to ensure a critical scrutiny of decisions that are based on these values.

Assessment committee: Associate professor Jens T. Høeg, Institute of Biology, KU (Chairman), Associate professor Anne-Marie Eggert Olsen, The Danish School of Education, Associate professor Rasmus G. Winther, Dept. of Philosophy, UCSC. Supervisor: Associate professor Claus Emmeche, Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies, KU.
Alle er velkomne. Afhandlingen kan findes her.

Artikel-nyt: Velordnet videnskab

Vi forsøger med denne nye rubrik at bringe nyt om artikler, der måtte interessere flere læsere end forfatterne selv - gerne materiale, der er frit tilgængeligt på nettet. Vi opfordrer læsere af Hugin og Munin til at indsende forslag, enten af egen eller andres produktion.
- red.

Biomedical Research, Neglected Diseases, and Well-Ordered Science
by Julian Reiss, Philip Kitcher
Abstract: In this paper we make a proposal for reforming biomedical research that is aimed to align research more closely with the so-called fair-share principle according to which the proportions of global resources assigned to different diseases should agree with the ratios of human suffering associated with those diseases.
Link: Full Text

OBS: Tidskriftet Theoria meddeler "We are glad to inform you that you now can access every item published in our journal between 2003 and 2009."

Det posthumane vilkår

MatchPoints 3 seminar at Aarhus University
May 6-7, 2010

Will humans be able to live 200 years? Or 500 years? If biotechnology can be used to “upgrade” humans physically and mentally, should it be done, and if so, to what extent? Are the consequences so overwhelmingly complex and uncertain that society should refrain from even limited uses of biotechnology? How will biotechnology affect societal cohesion, and can the development be controlled? Or is this a Pandora’s box that should remain closed?

These are just a few of the many questions that arise as a result of the increasing ability of technology to change biology and, in the long run, to radically change human living conditions. This development has created a new horizon that Professor Francis Fukuyama has called, in his skeptical book of the same title, “our posthuman future”, since it is predictable that over time a series of technologies can and will change our understanding of what it means to be a human being.

Featuring Francis Fukuyama as the keynote speaker, the conference aims to address the challenges of
  • Imagining a society where the properties of humans have shifted radically;
  • Assessing the scope of deploying technologies that are underway;
  • Basing decisions on an ethical foundation that does not entail a concept of human nature;
  • Finding out what kinds of political action can and should be taken in the face of this situation.
The conference is interdisciplinary and gathers leading Scandinavian and international researchers within the fields of biotechnology, medicine, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. The Australian artist Stelarc will participate via video link from Australia. Francis Fukuyama will be speaking on May 6 in the afternoon. See the complete programme below.

The conference is being organized by Associate Professor Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Professor Jacob Wamberg, and Professor Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, all of Aarhus University.
Registration is free. Please send a mail with name and institutional affiliation to Without registration access to the conference cannot be guaranteed.
Programme: visit seminar site here

tirsdag den 16. marts 2010

Etnografiske data i videnskabs- og teknologistudier

Ph.D.-workshop ved Brit Ross Winthereik
på IT-universitetet i København d. 21. maj kl. 9-16:

(...) "The literature on ethnographic methods and data analysis used by STS-researchers or in design anthropology is often written by anthropologists. In STS the classical texts (Latour, Mol and others) do not provide much guidance as to how to analyse the ethnographic data that is the foundation of a lot of STS-research. A main difficulty, broadly speaking, is that this literature describes studies of socio-cultural formations and contexts that have been analysed with the purpose of contributing to central debates within anthropology. This aim differs significantly from the role played by ethnography within STS or design anthropology, where technological objects play a major role as objects of study and where ‘the field’ is not a place one inhabits for a shorter or longer period, but a number of more or less diffuse engagements with people and technologies."
Læs mere om workshoppen her

Hugin og Munin 253

Indhold i nr. 253




Samlet oversigt over kommende møder, se kalenderen på Hugin og Munins website

søndag den 14. marts 2010

Kulturel evolution i menneskets forhistorie

I am pleased to present the STMC-network's first Brown Bag Research Seminar of this year. The titel of this BBRS is

Cultural evolution, adaptation and niche construction in human prehistory - a case study from the Southern Scandinavian Late Glacial

and will be presented by assistant Professor, Ph.D. Felix Riede (Department of Anthropology and Ethnography , Aarhus University).

Time and place: 17 March, 12-1 PM in Meetingroom Meeting Room 130, Building 1465

In order to ensure coffe, tea and fruites for everyone, registration is necessary. Please register for this event before Tuesday 16 March 10 AM at stm [at]

Yours sincerely
Nanna K. L. Kaalund, STMC

Aarhus Network for Science, Technology, Medicine and Climate Studies connects researchers and activities across departments and disciplines. The aim is to bring attention to research in the interdisciplinary field of science, technology and medicine studies at the University of Aarhus.

fredag den 12. marts 2010

Paul Dirac and the religion of mathematical beauty

I am happy to be able to invite you to another event in our history of science seminar series. Farmelo's talk will be based on his extensive research for his book, The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius, published last year by Faber and Faber, London, which recently received the prestigious Costa Book Award for the best biography published in the U.K. and Ireland in 2009. I look forward to seeing you there.
Finn Aaserud, Director
History of Science Seminar
Thu 8 April 2010, 14.15
Aud. A, Niels Bohr Institute
Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen

Graham Farmelo
Senior Research Fellow, Science Museum, London
Adjunct Professor of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston
Paul Dirac and the religion of mathematical beauty

Paul Dirac was the greatest English theoretical physicist since Newton. Dirac is famous for co-discovering quantum mechanics, for his beautiful equation for the behaviour of the electron and for predicting the existence of antimatter. Although sceptical of philosophy and religion, in later life Dirac became an apostle for the great importance of mathematical beauty in fundamental physics. It was 'like a religion' for him. In this talk, I shall examine the basis of this belief, together with its successes and failures.

tirsdag den 9. marts 2010

Philosophy of Technology

Dette seminar sætter udviklingen af ny teknologi i et filosofisk perspektiv. Tre internationalt anerkendte forskere i teknologi giver deres bud på, hvorfor filosofi bør tage teknologi seriøst og bidrage til en bedre forståelse at nye teknologiske innovationer. I lyset af den teknologiske udvikling skal en række grundlæggende filosofiske problemstillinger og begreber revideres på ny. Seminaret er såvel for studerende uden forhåndskendskab til teknologifilosofi som for ph.d.-studerende og forskere, der ønsker at høre mere om den seneste udvikling på området.

Torsdag den 18. marts, kl. 12.30-15.30
Afdeling for Filosofi og Videnskabsteori,
Roskilde Universitet, ‘Biografen’ (3.1.4)

Don Ihde: Phenomenology + Pragmatism = Postphenomenology: A Philosophical Journey (12.30 – 13.15)
Andrew Jamieson: The Hybrid Imagination in Technology (13.30 – 14.15)
Mark Bedau: Living Technologies (14.30 – 15.15)

søndag den 7. marts 2010

Hugin og Munin 252

Indhold i nr. 252:

Humanistisk Forum og EPOKE netværket diskuterer humaniora og samfundsfags aktuelle situation som vidensindustrier

8. marts [tidligere annonceret]: Er Gud matematiker? - Kom og få svaret på mandag den 8. marts i Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab; program, se Hans hjemmeside


Tidligere annoncerede møder, som nærmer sig:
Tjek kalenderen på

fredag den 5. marts 2010

ENSSER seminar

European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility:

The purpose of the association is the advancement of science and research for the protection of the environment, biological diversity and human health against negative impacts of new technologies and their products. This especially includes the support and protection of independent and critical research to advance the scientific assessment of the potentially negative impacts. The purpose of the bylaws is the realization of research projects, the award of research assignments to third parties, the realization of scientific events, presentation and discussion of scientific work to the relevant audience, and the advancement of the European and international discourse on the risks and benefits of new technologies and on their regulation.

The next ENSSER seminar will be convened in cooperation with the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen on April 15 & 16, 2010. Attached, you find the draft agenda for your information [StatutesENSSEREN, Mission_Statement, Application_Form_Individuals, Application_Form_Organisations, WorkshopDraftAgenda]. If you plan to attend the meeting and need accommodation, we can provide you with a list of hotels that offer special rates for EEA events. We also would like to invite you to consider a membership in ENSSER to strengthen our network and enable us to support and defend critical science and scientists in Europe!
We attach the ENSSER mission, statutes and the membership application forms. If you send in your application until the end of March, we are able to vote on it at the ENSSER AGM which will be convened on Apr 15 before the public seminar.
Please send your email to office [at] ensser . org.
With many regards, the ENSSER team
Angelika Hilbeck, Hartmut Meyer, Gabriele Weiß, Ditha Baierová

tirsdag den 2. marts 2010


The Department of Science Studies, Aarhus University ( invites applications for a full-time PhD fellowships to commence early autumn 2010.

The successful candidates will work as part of the project “Philosophy of Contemporary Science in Practice” led by Hanne Andersen. The aim of the project aims is to gain a detailed understanding of the development of contemporary science with a particular focus on disciplinary structures and changes in practices.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Hanne Andersen at prior to submitting their application to get further information on the project and discuss ideas for their PhD projects.

Application deadline is May 1 2010. Applications must be made electronically to Aarhus Graduate School of Science (AGSoS). Instructions on how to apply as well as details on the PhD education at AGSoS can be found at

Max Weber versus Charles Darwin

Arrangement på RUC, Afdeling for Filosofi og Videnskabsteori:

Robert J. Richards fra University of Chicago besøger RUC,
mandag den 22 marts, 13.00-15.00,
Roskilde Universitet, ‘Biografen’ (03.1.4)
og holder et foredrag med titlen:

The Enchantment of the World:
Darwin's Theory of Mind in Nature.

Max Weber argued that modern science ‘disenchanted’ the world, cleansing it of moral values and spiritual powers. Darwin’s theory has been marked by both opponents and proponents as a principal agent of disenchantment. I think this is an utterly mistaken view of Darwin’s accomplishment. The theory presented in the Origin of Species reckoned natural selection to preserve moral value in nature and to set the human animal as the teleological goal of evolution. I believe this occurred for Kantian reasons: namely the impossibility of extracting mind from nature.

Hvilke former for viden skal Humaniora skabe og kritisere?

Soft knowledge in hard times?
– the concept of knowledge and
the present challenges
to the humanities
and the social sciences
Programme for winter seminar and one
day conference 9th–11th March 2010
Organised by Nordic Summeruniversity, Humanistisk Forum, and the
EPOKE-programme at The Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

Venue: The Danish School of Education (DPU, Aarhus University)
Copenhagen campus, Tuborgvej 164, DK2400 Copenhagen NV
Venue contact: Jesper Eckhardt Larsen (jel [.]

This open seminar has the object of discussing the challenges that are facing the humanities and parts of the social sciences in a new epoch of knowledge production and dissemination. Our argument is that the character of knowledge is being deeply challenged and changed in light of new forms of policies and politics of knowledge. A few characterisations could be put into play: Soft knowledge in hard times? Slow knowledge in a fast society? Pure knowledge in times of instrumentalism and pragmatism? Deep knowledge in times of superficiality? Local knowledge in times of globalisation? Premodern knowledge in postmodernity? Some questions to be addressed are: What kind of knowledge should the humanities produce in order to fulfil its purpose in society? What concept of knowledge is appropriate for humanities with regard to its basic interests of knowledge? Should humanities strive for objectivism or some kind of relativism/ contextualism? What concept of knowledge corresponds to how humanities are actually used in society? How is the form of knowledge of the humanities challenged by new systems of accountability and financing and how should the humanities meet these challenges?

Precise venue:
The seminar is taking place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning in room A412/Main building A – top floor - Thursday afternoon conference is in Auditorium D174/White building D, ground floor

See program and abstracts here.