søndag den 27. september 2009

Etisk Råd annoncerer konferencer

Kommende arrangementer annonceret via Etisk Råd:

21. oktober:
Genteknikens roll i ett förändrat klimat
Scandic Hasselbacken i Stockholm
Program og tilmelding

6.-7. november:
Food, sustainability and plant science: a global challenge
10th EMBO/EMBL Science & Society Conference
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany
Flere informationer

17. november, 9-17:
The bioethics of bioenergy
The Finnish Parliament, Helsinki
Organized by the Nordic Committee on Bioethics and the Association of Parliament Members and Scientists. For tilmelding og program, send en email til Lotta Knutsson, secretary@ncbio.org

10.-11. december:
International Conferenceon Healthcare and Trade
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Will focus on the influence of the law of both the European Union and theWorld Trade Organization on trade in health services, health insurance services and pharmaceuticals
Flere informationer og tilmelding

15. december
FramingNano International Conference
A New Governance Framework for Nanotechnologies
Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel
Flere informationer og tilmelding

fredag den 25. september 2009

EASST konference 2010 annonceret


The 2010 EASST conference, to be held in Trento (Italy), from the 2-4 September is the biennial forum of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) for contributions on topics from the range of disciplines found within science, technology and innovation studies.

As in previous years the conference provides a broad platform for presentations based on contemporary research on the wide variety of topics in which STS and innovation scholars are active. These include risk and regulation, environmental sustainability, systems of innovation, sociology of expectations, sociotechnical transitions, science and technology policy, ethics of health & medicine, governance of emerging technologies, gender and science.

The particular focus for the 2010 conference is that of practice and performance. It turns its attention to science and technology as situated practices rooted and grown in a sociomaterial context, exploring the performativity of technoscientific practices.

Læs mere her hos DASTS eller på konferencens eget site: events.unitn.it/en/easst010

Ph.d.-forsvar: AUTHORISATIONS - A STS approach to computer based teaching

Den 7. oktober 2009, kl. 14-17 forsvarer cand.mag. Nana Benjaminsen sin ph.d.-afhandling AUTHORISATIONS - A STS approach to computer based teaching. Forsvaret finder sted i lokale D174 på DPU (dørene lukkes præcist).

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Gæsteforelæsning af Bruno Latour på CBS

30. oktober 2009, kl. 14-16: Gæsteforelæsning af Bruno Latour på CBS Professor Bruno Latour, Director of Research at Sciences Po in Paris.

Professor Latour’s lecture entitled ‘Organizing Uncertainties; the mapping controversies project’ will take place on 30th October from 2-4pm at Copenhagen Business School Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, SPs01 BG Fond Auditorium .

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Biological Explanation – Systems, Levels and Causes

Conference: Biological Explanation - Systems, Levels and Causes

Call for abstracts

The three-day conference “Biological Explanation – Systems, Levels and Causes" will take place in Oslo, December 10.-12., 2009. The conference is a collaboration between the new Nordic project PSBio (Philosophical Foundations for Systems Biology) and the Seminar in Science Studies at the University of Oslo.

One focus will be “Perspectives on Systems Biology” under which we aim to bring philosophical, historical, and biological perspectives together in understanding the emergence of system approaches in biology.

A second focus will be “Levels, Reduction and Causes” where we plan for a discussion on levels of explanation, and how different understandings of levels relate to questions of scientific reduction and causation in biology.

Some slots are open for contributed papers, and we welcome submissions from philosophers, biologists, statisticians and others on the above themes. If you would like to present a paper at the conference, please submit an abstract of max 500 words to gry.oftedal@ifikk.uio.no by Oct 12,2009.

For contributed talks we will be able to reimburse up to 3000 NOK approximately 345 Euro) for travel and accommodation expenses against receipts.

More information: PSBio