Hugin og Munin nr. 263, den 11. januar, 2011.
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hermed udsendes Hugin og Munin med links til de enkelte arrangementer:
- 11. jan.: On the relationship between plane and solid geometry
- 12. jan.: Ph.D.-defense: Naturalism in the philosophy of mathematics
- 14. jan.: Organism and Machine: The Conceptual and Normative Challenges of Synthetic Biology
- 31. jan.: abstract deadline: Conference on the Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2011
- 11. marts: Addicts as Biocitizens? Neurobiology, Addiction and Society
- 28. marts: frist for tilmelding til tekstil- og kemihistorisk møde d. 28. april
- 25-27. maj: The XXIIIrd Nordic Medical History Congress (Oslo) [ cfp before 1.3.2011]
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