The Duality of Technology
Monday 22 October 2012: 13.00-16.00
Technology is often taken to be apolitical. Three researchers have taken on the task of discussing how technology is indeed highly political: How can we understand the political nature and securityness of technology? What role does technology play in juggling and producing risks and security threats? How is the technology-security nexus involved in the production of both openness and secrecy, two apparently conflicting demands in contemporary politics?
Technology is often taken to be apolitical. Three researchers have taken on the task of discussing how technology is indeed highly political: How can we understand the political nature and securityness of technology? What role does technology play in juggling and producing risks and security threats? How is the technology-security nexus involved in the production of both openness and secrecy, two apparently conflicting demands in contemporary politics?
Blandt oplægsholderne er David Koepsell, Delft University of Technology; Kathleen Vogel, Cornell University; og Nisha Shah, University of Ottawa.
Arrangementet finder i Frokoststuen (lokale 4.2.26) på Institut for Statskundskab fra kl. 13 til 16, og deltagere bedes venligst melde sig til på senest på fredag den 19. oktober.
Yderligere info kan findes i det vedhæftede program.