lørdag den 30. oktober 2010

God ‐ a Mathematician?

Ny antologi:

God ‐ a Mathematician?
Proceedings of the Danish
Science‐Theology Forum, Vol. 5
Edited by Helge Kragh and Marie Vejrup Nielsen
University of Aarhus 2010


Helge Kragh
Introduction: Historical and Present Interactions Between Mathematics and Theology

Helge Kragh
The Infinite God and the Infinite Mathematics

Henrik Kragh Sørensen
Relations between mathematics and theology: Theological aspects of the notion of infinity in the history of mathematics

Mikkel Willum Johansen
Does the usefulness of mathematics prove the existence of God?

Terese M. O. Nielsen
Gödelʹs first incompleteness theorem and human language

Peter Øhrstrøm
Some Reflections on Logic and Transcendence

Dirk Evers
The Significance of Mathematics and Logic for Theology