fredag den 30. april 2010

Ph.D.-kursus i kontroverskortlægning

From june 7th-25th the Technical University of Denmark offers a 5 ECTS course with the title Mapping Controversies.

“Mapping Controversies” was first taught by Bruno Latour at the École des Mines in Paris and has been jointly developed as an online programme involving Science Po, MIT, Oxford University, the University of Manchester, the Ècole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne and the University of Amsterdam. Each of these institutions teaches its own version of the course to a diverse mix of students ranging from environmental and political scientists to architects and engineers.
A further description of the Technical University’s version of the course can be found on the DASTS site here.
Students from all Danish Universities are welcome register as guest students (deadline May 15th). Questions about the course may be directed to Anders Kristian Munk or Torben Elgaard Jensen.