lørdag den 31. marts 2012

Dansk æsteæs opviser stoflige sanse-, videns- og virkemåder

The DASTS 2012 Conference Website is now online.

DASTS2012 - University of Copenhagen, CSS.
May 30, 2012 – May 31, 2012

Danish STS on Display: Sensing, Knowing, Intervening

In STS there is a long tradition for studying the practices and materialities by which we come to sense, know and intervene in the world. These practices and materialities are heterogeneous, entangled, multiple, and contestable and therefore continuously surprise and enrich the conversations we engage in as researchers. Furthermore, this engagement continues to be carried out in ever new contexts and ways. This year’s DASTS conference wants to highlight and display the multiple ways of sensing, knowing, and intervening, which are present in the work of Danish STS-researchers. Taking this ‘sensitivity for differences’ as our starting point we also invite reflections on and experimentation with our own epistemic practices and materialities. How do we ourselves practice, display, and materialize the sensing, knowing, and intervening of our subjects and of STS? What new epistemic practices and materialities have or may emerge from STS studies more broadly speaking?

DASTS and the Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies – a centre where the sensing, knowing, and intervening of medicine is studied and put on display (also literally!) – therefore invite established as well as young scholars to present and discuss their work, finished or in progress. The main purpose of the DASTS conference is to fertilize STS research broadly and the committee therefore welcomes entries from all areas of science and technology studies. Especially junior researchers wanting to share and discuss their work before participating in the 4S/EASTS conference later this year are invited to present their work.

Important dates:

9 April: deadline for paper abstracts

20 April: notification of acceptance

7 May: final program

Symposium om universitetets fremtider

Symposium 2012:
Nordiskt Sommaruniversitet
The Nordic Summer University

One day NSU Ad-hoc symposium 28. April 2012 Roskilde University, Denmark


Universities in Europe, have in the last decade, been through a period of structural and organizational changes. There is a growing political focus on results from research activities, but at the same time an increasing pressure to do more teaching. In the process of controlling and directing the academic work, new financial and bureaucratic procedures are introduced and exercised on both the university as system and the researcher/lecturer as individual. This calls for an open and creative discussion about the university both as idea and institution, and its possible ‘futures’.

Questions which concern the current development include: Is the present development therefore an important departure from the Humboldtian system of research-based university education? Will the policies from the Bologna process undermine the tradition of the freedom of enquiry in the universities? Will this development increase the quality of the academic work or rather lead to the homogenisation and loss of diversity which still exist between universities in Europe? Do those political attempts, such as getting direct control of the research activities and the curriculum in the university education, threaten the university as a free institution in the Humboldt tradition? Will they change the university's role as the basis for a democratic society? What kind of future for the universities is that current higher education policies are forming for us? What are the possibilities for the universities? Should the university as idea be protected as a world Cultural Heritage?

The symposium, drawing on the research and experiences of the participants, will discuss above important matters. It aims to have some understanding of the overall situation, as well as identify the areas where further research and discussions are needed. We would also like to discuss different scenarios for possible university ‘futures' and to create directions for the university's role in future society.

The ad-hoc symposium, will as part of discussions, prepare a proposal (a manchet) for a coming three year NSU study circle on the theme: “The futures of the University” to be presented at the NSU summer session 2012.

Abstract Submission
Word limit: 350 words with a short biography.
Send it to: nsu-symp-papers [at] ruc.dk
Submission deadline: the 15th April 2012. Authors will be notified .
Nordic as well as international participants are welcome. Participants without presentations are
welcome too. Presentations may be made either in English or in one of the Scandinavian languages.

More information:
Symposium fee: 200 d.kr.
Time: Saturday 28th April 2012 9.00 am to 21.00pm including symposium dinner.
Registration: from 29th March 2012 by sending an e-mail to: E-mail: jesperjo [at] ruc.dk
Coordinator: Jesper Jorgensen E-mail: jesperjo [at] ruc.dk

Nye museringer

MUSE-seminarer om forskningskommunikation på museer

Medicinsk Museion inviterer til en ny seminarrække (MUSE-seminarer) om spørgsmål og udfordringer i forskningskommunikation og museologi.

Seminarrækken er en del af Medicinsk Museions projekt om “science communication”, som stiler mod at udvikle nye forskningsbaserede og eksperimentelle metoder for forskningskommunikation såvel som at udvikle teoretiske tilgange inden for feltet, specielt i lyset af den moderne biomedicins historie.

Vi inviterer forskere som arbejder med materialitet, forskningskommunikation, science and technology studies, videnskabsteori, museologi og relaterede områder.

I er velkomne til at kontakte Karin Tybjerg (karin.tybjerg@sund.ku.dk) eller Adam Bencard (adab@sund.ku.dk), hvis I vil vide mere.

Thomas Soderqvist

Medicinsk Museion
Københavns Universitet

Gud, Universet og et par andre småting

Folkeuniversitetet fuau
Gud eller videnskab?

Forholdet mellem videnskab og religion har gennem historien været præget af strid om, hvem der har autoritet til at forklare verden og menneskets placering i den. Både videnskaben og religionen spiller en stor rolle i vores tilværelse, men kan tro og viden forenes?

Forelæsningsrækken giver et indblik i de diskussioner, der historisk har været mellem videnskaben og religionen, og et udblik til de diskussioner, der eksisterer på området i dag.

Se mere om foredragsrækken her:

Eksperimenter i samfundsvidenskaberne

Forum for Samfundsvidenskabernes Filosofi
Forår 2012: Eksperimenter i samfundsvidenskaberne

Mads Meier Jæger
”The Devil is in the design: Eksperimentel logik og årsagssammenhænge i samfundsvidenskabelig forskning”
Torsdag d. 12. april kl. 15.15 – 17.00
Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Østerfarimagsgade 5, lokale 7.0.34

Morten Axel Pedersen
“Ethnographic Experimentation”
Onsdag d. 16. maj kl. 15.15 – 17.00
Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Østerfarimagsgade 5, lokale 7.0.34

Se mere om programmet og forummet her:

Aquaculture: ethical, legal and social aspects

Please see attached file that contains information about a Ph.D.-course that will be held 13-17 August 2012 on Aquaculture and Ethics.

If you know Ph.D.-students that could be interested in this, please send them this mail. The curse is interdisciplinary, so we welcome students from all disciplines.

Antikkens verden


Antikkens verden

Videnskab, kultur, myter,

religion og de fremmede

En del af serien Verdensbøger og fagområderne , , og

Redigeret af og

Med Antikkens verden afslutter Aarhus Universitetsforlag sin store serie om den europæiske kultur- og idéhistorie. Antikkens kultur havde sit udspring i Grækenland og Romerriget og påvirkede hele Middelhavsområdet og Mellemøsten. Men antikken dannede også grobund for de tre store idésystemer, der skulle komme til at bære den europæiske historie i flere tusinde år.
Se mere på forlagets nye hjemmeside her:

Initiative for Science, Society and Policy - newsletter

Welcome to the first 2012 issue of the ISSP Newsletter, keeping you up to date with ISSP and related activities, news and events. Like all our activities, the newsletter aims to promote ISSP's central goal: creating a sound public dialogue between science, society, industry and policy makers about some of the challenges we face as a whole.


Videnskabshistorisk Selskab indbyder til foredrag ved:

Professor Olival Freire Jr.
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

Quantum dissidents: Research on the
foundations of quantum theory circa 1970

tirsdag den 17. april 2012, kl. 17.00
Auditorium 10, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet,
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø

I argue that research on the foundations of quantum theory blossomed around 1970 and that the quantum dissidents were its driving force. By dissidents I mean physicists such as Clauser, Shimony, d’Espagnat, and Bell, who were critics of what they perceived as the Copenhagen interpretation and fought against the dominant attitude among physicists at the time according to which foundational issues had already been solved by the founding fathers of the discipline. Theirs is a story of success as the foundations of quantum mechanics finally entered the physics mainstream despite the fact that their expectations of breaking down quantum mechanics were not fulfilled.

Kl. 16.30 inviterer Selskabet på kaffe, te og frugt i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue, rum 04.4.19 på 4. sal. Efter foredraget vil der blive lejlighed til at spise middag med foredragsholderen for egen regning.

Jesper Lützen, Sekretær
Videnskabshistorisk Selskab

Ph.d.-kursus i cybersemiotik

PhD Course on

Cybersemiotics and Transdisciplinarity: Applications in linguistics, communication, semiotics, and art-technology analysis

Time and place: 20 – 24 August, 2012
Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg.

The course is first of all an explanation and exploration of the integrative transdisciplinary framework Cybersemiotics. The primary curriculum is: Cybersemiotics: Why Information is not enough first published in 2008 at Toronto University Press and again in 2010. You can also find it as a Google book. Se a short description of Cybersemiotics in Glossarium-BITri: http://glossarium.bitrum.unileon.es/glossary/cybersemiotics .

We will study the integrative synthesis in Cybersemiotics and how it is carried out in two steps: The first is to accept two major and very different transdisciplinary paradigms as both being legitimate: 1. The cybernetic-informational approach leading to cognitive science’s information processing paradigm and second order cybernetics, autopoiesis theory and Luhmann’s system science 2. The Peircean phaneroscopic, triadic, pragmaticistic, evolutionary, semiotic approach to meaning, leading to modern biosemiotics. Of these 1. is based on an entropic and mathematical definition of information and self-organization in a material and informational world or in autopoietic systems, but with no concepts of first-person conscious experience and meaningful linguistic intersubjective communication; 2. is based on a phenomenological intersubjective world of partly self-organizing triadic sign processes in an experiential embodied, meaningful world.

The second step involves following and explaining the development from first order cybernetics to second order cybernetic and autopoiesis theory from Gregory Bateson through Heinz von Foerster to Maturana and Varela, ending with Niklas Luhmann’s threefold autopoietic system theory. Furthermore, embodiment theory from Lakoff and Johnson plus Merleau-Ponty is discussed. An integration of these views with a Peircean biosemiotics is shown in a transdisciplinary philosophy of science model that will be explained and discussed. All this will be lectured on by Søren Brier during the first part of the week in interaction with the course participants. The second part of the week will bring in researchers who have contributed to the development and applications of the idea of Cybersemiotics.

Professor Søren Brier (CBS), Ole Nedergaard-Thomsen (PhD in Linguistics), Professor Per Durst-Andersen (Linguistics), Kathrine Elisabeth Anker (PhD in Technology and Art) and Professor in Semiotics and Communication, Paul Cobley

Course Coordinator
Professor Søren Brier

Videnskabshistorisk afhandling om Léon Rosenfeld

Forsvar af doktorafhandling:
Anja Skaar Jacobsen:

Léon Rosenfeld: Physics, Philosophy,
and Politics in the Twentieth Century

Tid: mandag d. 16. april kl. 14 til ca. 18.
Sted: auditorium 4 på H. C. Ørsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, København.

Afhandlingen er af Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet ved Københavns Universitet antaget til offentligt at forsvares for den naturvidenskabelige doktorgrad. Afhandlingen er udgivet på World Scientific, og kan købes på forlagets hjemmeside, se http://www.worldscibooks.com/histsci/7776.html

Afhandlingen er et videnskabshistorisk studium formet som en biografi om den belgiske fysiker Léon Rosenfeld (1904‒1974). Rosenfeld var inden denne afhandling et stort set ubeskrevet blad, men han befandt sig i centrum af den moderne fysik fra slutningen af 1920rne som en af pionererne i den relativistiske kvantefysik. I dag er han bedst kendt for sit arbejde med Niels Bohr om måleligheden af elektromagnetiske felter i kvantefysikken og for sit store engagement i udbredelsen af Bohrs tanker om hvordan man skal forstå kvantefysikken gennem begrebet komplementaritet.

Biografien handler om Rosenfelds liv og karriere i fysikken i de forskellige europæiske kulturer han boede i (Belgien, Holland, England og Danmark), og den har fokus på hans virke i kvantefysikken kombineret med hans politisk-ideologiske engagement på den yderste venstrefløj. Bogens seks kapitler går kronologisk frem i Rosenfelds karriere, og hvert kapitel behandler et tematisk emne på baggrund af verdenspolitiske hændelser. På den måde integreres både videnskabens indhold og kontekst i samme fortælling.

Men afhandlingen er ikke kun informativ om Rosenfeld. Den biografiske metode anvendes til at analysere vigtige aspekter af fysikken og dens vekselvirkning med politisk ideologi i form af marxisme i det tyvende århundrede. Rosenfeld havde gode forbindelser til de fleste europæiske fysikere i midten af århundredet, både i øst og vest, og studiet af disse relationer åbenbarer ny og relevant indsigt i for eksempel debatterne om kvantefysik og naturvidenskabens rolle i samfundet i 1930rne og i tiden under den tidlige kolde krig. Afhandlingen kaster dermed lys over mange nye facetter, der ikke tidligere har været fokuseret på i videnskabshistorien, hvor vekselvirkningen mellem videnskab og ideologi ofte reduceres til stereotype fortællinger.

Helt centralt i afhandlingen står Rosenfelds nære samarbejde og venskab med Niels Bohr, og afhandlingen giver på den baggrund også et modificeret billede af Bohrs videnskabelige og politiske virke samt et nyt perspektiv på kvantefysikken i København.

Ravnene er vågnet

Til overraskelse for zoologerne, men næppe mytologerne, gik Odins ravne i vinterhi i december. Både Hugin og Munin beklager, at mange af vintertidens møder ikke blev annonceret her, hverken for aser eller mennesker. Nu er begge ravne på vingerne igen, og snart udsendes næste nummer af nyhedsbrevet - nu med en ny, dvs. gammel redaktør, the founding editor, som den ravnemor, som bare af og til har lidt for meget om ørerne.

fredag den 30. marts 2012

Hugin og Munin nr. 268

Hugin og Munin nr. 268, den 5. april, 2012.

Kære H&M-læsere,

efter en lang vinter er ravnene vågnet, og hermed bringer vi nyt om en lang række arrangementer:

Har vi glemt noget, så send os gerne en besked, og vi lægger det på bloggen straks. Er der omtaler af studiekredse, foredragsrækker o.l., som skal opdateres, kan det også lade sig gøre. Redaktionen modtager gerne bog- og artikelomtaler.

Nyhedsbrevet læses på nettet på

Med venlig hilsen Red.