mandag den 2. april 2012

En europæisk model for videnskaben i samfundet


Science in Dialogue
– Towards a European Model for
Responsible Research and Innovation
Odense, Denmark 23-25 April 2012

The Danish EU Presidency conference ‘Science in Dialogue’ invites policymakers, research institutions, business representatives and civil society to discuss the relationship between science, innovation and society.

The conference will offer high-level speakers and draw upon the participants’ ideas, opinions and suggestions in an interactive conference format. ‘Science in Dialogue will be a unique platform for European stakeholders to meet and discuss the interaction between science, innovation and society.

The aim of the conference is to provide input on aspects of a European model for Responsible Research and Innovation and future instruments for research funding. Furthermore, the conference will contribute to the basis for the successful solution of the grand challenges of our society.

Go to conference site here: