lørdag den 27. september 2008

Challenging hyperprofessionalism

Call for submissions:

Challenging hyperprofessionalism
The intradisciplinarity of science, technology and medicine studies
23 October 2008

Deadline for submission 8 October 2008

The Aarhus Network for Science, Technology and Medicine Studies
is hosting aone-day conference addressing the intradisciplinarity of our fields on the 23October 2008, at the University of Aarhus. To present the richness of what isgoing on across the disciplines we invite research based papers or posters,including work-in-progress, broadly within science, technology and medicinestudies. Furthermore the STM network offers 1 ECTS point to PhD-students for apresentation at the conference.

We encourage participant to address the questions of intradisciplinarity, but thisis not a prerequisite for having a presentation accepted. There will be a total of20 minutes available for presentation and questions. Please send a title andabstract with a limit of 100 words to idenklk [at] hum.au.dk no later than 8 October.

Program etc. can be found at: Conference page

Organising committee: Finn Olesen, Associate Professor, Information and Media Science, Peter C. Kjærgaard, Associate Professor, History of Ideas, Jakob Bek-Thomsen, PhD-student and outreach officer, Aarhus Climate Secretariat. Student assistants: Helene Sloth Borgholm, Nanna Lüders Kaalund