fredag den 12. september 2008

The Subjectivity of Religious Reading

Thursday, September 25, 2008, 10:15-12:00

Lecture by Gavin Flood

Title: "The Subjectivity of Religious Reading"

Location: CFS, University of Copenhagen, lecture room 25-5-11, Njalsgade 140-142, 5th floor.

Gavin Flood is Professor and Academic Director of The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, University of Oxford. Among his numerous publications are: Beyond Phenomenology: Rethinking the Study of Religion and The Ascetic Self: Subjectivity, Memory and Tradition. He is editor of The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism.

This lecture develops the idea that the act of reading is at the heart of religion and that religious reading entails the internalisation of tradition within subjectivity. Religious communities are formed through the repeated, ritual acts of reading, an idea which brings into question views that seek to explain religion without text. The lecture will discuss kinds of subjectivity formed through religious reading and how these interface with the political and social world.

The lecture is open for the public.

There will be a PhD workshop with Gavin Flood in the afternoon at 14:15 - 16:00, organized by the Research education programme: Religion & Society, University of Copenhagen and CFS. For further information, please see:

Friday, September 26, 2008, 9.30 – 16.45

Colloquium: "Selfhood and Self-Annihilation

Location: University of Copenhagen, KUA, Njalsgade, Lecture room 27.0.09

What is the self implied in self-annihilation? The workshop will focus on the question of selfhood implied in notions of self-annihilation, and will do so in drawing on different religious traditions, in particular Christian mysticism and Buddhism.


George Pattison (University of Oxford): "Being, Nothingness and the Metaphysics of Salvation";
Gavin Flood (University of Oxford): "The Paradox of the Will in Christian and Buddhist Asceticism";
Ben Morgan (University of Oxford): "Meister Eckhart and the Pre-History of Modern Forms of Identity";
Jonna Bornemark (Södertörn University College, Stockholm): "Mechthild von Magdeburg and the Erotic Tension between Specificity and Self-Annihilation";
Joel Krueger (University of Copenhagen): "Forms of Self-Annihilation in Zen Buddhism"

For programme, abstracts, location please see here:

Prior registration required: Please register before September 15 by sending an email to cfs [@]

Organized by Arne Grøn, CFS.

Further information about upcoming activities can be found at:
For information on courses, please see: