mandag den 22. august 2011

An Ecology of Mind for kun 1.400,- kr. eksklusiv moms

The following comes from Nora Bateson to me with regard to showing of her film in Europe.

An Ecology of Mind: A Daughter's Portrait of Gregory Bateson

Winner Media Ecology Association John Culkin 2011 Award for Outstanding Praxis
Winner Audience Choice BEST DOCUMENTARY The Santa Cruz Film Festival 2011
Winner BEST DOCUMENTARY The Spokane International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection of The Vancouver International Film Festival
Official Selection Bioneers Film Festival
Official Selection of the Cinema Pacific Film Festival
Official Selection Haida Gwaii Film Festival

Here are the links to the shows/workshops in Scandinavia... if you know people who would be interested please let them know about it.

Here are the Danish: August 24–-en-portrætfilm-og-inspirationsdag-om-Gregory-Bateson.aspx

in Norway: August 29 ;-)

and Swedish links: Sept 2

Film website: