tirsdag den 29. juni 2010

Humaniora mellem sociologisme og biologisme


University of Copenhagen, 16-17 September 2010

Humanistic studies as traditionally conducted are currently under pressure from two sides within academia itself: On one side, by a constructivist stance, which declares man to be a social construction. This robs the humanities of the natural focal point of their activities, the study of Man, and leaves them as an odd motley of disciplines with no unity and no shared vision. From the opposite side, the humanities are under pressure from evolutionary biology, which has no reservations about accepting the existence of such a thing as Man, who after all is a natural, biological species among others. In combination with affiliated approaches within neurophysiology and cognitive science, evolutionary psychology purports to explain every aspect of man’s behavior as a result of his genetic inheritance, as manifested in his brain and other cognitive apparatus. This leads to a heavily reductionist picture of man.

This international conference will explore the options for a coherent conception of Man as neither a mere biological species, nor a mere social construction. It is a conception of Man as both a producer and a product of history and culture, and thus as a shaper of himself.

Speakers include:
Ronald Schleifer (University of Oklahoma)
Steve Fuller (University of Warwick)
Robert Markley (University of Illinois)
Nikolaj Zeuthen (University of Aarhus)
Torben Kragh Grodal (University of Copenhagen)
Finn Collin (University of Copenhagen)
Jan Faye (University of Copenhagen).

Organizers: Finn Collin (professor of philosophy) and Jan Faye (associate professor of philosophy), Section of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.

Location: Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 80, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark.

No registration is needed. For complete programme and location (forthcoming later), please send an email to David Budtz Pedersen: davidp [at] hum . ku . dk
[see also these pages for day one and day two]

David Budtz Pedersen
PhD Fellow, MA (phil)
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
Section of Philosophy
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80, 2300 København S

onsdag den 23. juni 2010

Hugin og Munin nr. 258

Indhold i Hugin og Munin nr. 258, d. 23. juni, 2010.

Protest mod fyring af filosoffer

Til Hugin og Munins læsere:
Jeg skal opfordre til at sende vores videnskabsminister protest-sommerhilsen nu! Dette følger op på sagen om de fyrede filosoffer på Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole (DPU), som blev omtalt her d. 30. april. Sagen handler fyringer, som både er usaglige og krænker de rammer for forskningsfrihed, der allerede defineres af den gældende universitetslov. Det strider direkte imod retten til at forske frit inden for universitets forskningsstrategiske rammer, når DPU fyrer to medarbejdere med henvisning til, at deres forskning ikke er relevant.

Man kan finde opfordring fra de fyredes kolleger her:

hvor der også er en skabelon til protestskrivelse, lige til at kopiere ind i en mail. Tak for jeres støtte.
Claus Emmeche

lørdag den 19. juni 2010

Lektorater i videnskabsteori og videnskabsstudier

2 positions:
(1) Associate Professor in Philosophy of Science
Department of Science Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark (http://www.ivs.au.dk) invites applications for a permanent position as Associate Professor in philosophy of science beginning January 1, 2011.

The Department of Science Studies forms part of the Faculty of Science and is responsible for research and education in history and philosophy of science. The department is currently developing a new graduate program in science studies and is therefore working at broadening its research profile. The department aims at a high degree of collaboration between history, philosophy and sociology of science, and priority will be given to candidates with profiles that include such collaboration or similar forms of proven cross-disciplinary interests.

Candidates must document a strong international research record within philosophy of science. In addition, candidates must document teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate level. Experience with academic administration is desirable.

The Department offers courses in philosophy of science for all science programs at Aarhus University. All courses are based on extensive use of historical and contemporary cases, and faculty members from the Department of Science Studies collaborate on developing the course format. Duties will include participation in this activity with a special responsibility for the courses in the physical-chemical sciences, as well as participation in the development of the department’s new graduate program in science studies. The successful candidate is also expected to participate actively in the strategic development of the departments research focus on studies of contemporary science, and to participate actively in fundraising.

The successful candidate will be expected to participate in all aspects of the Department’s activities and to be present on a daily basis.

A complete list of publications, a description of future research plans, information about previous research activities and management experience, description of teaching qualifications and of the applicant’s views on or ideas for teaching philosophy of science to science students, and a sample of publications (max 5) (see here for the recommended level of detail).

For more information please contact the Head of Department Hanne Andersen, phone +45 8942 3514; e-mail: hanne.andersen@ivs.au.dk

Formalities and salary range
The Faculty of Science refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.
The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). The recommended level of detail.
Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions.

All applications must be made online and received by: 20/08/2010

The full add with link to the online application system can be found at http://science.au.dk/en/positions-and-fellowships/academic-positions/

(2) Associate Professor in Science Studies
Department of Science Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark (http://www.ivs.au.dk) invites applications for a permanent position as Associate Professor in Science Studies beginning January 1, 2011.

The Department of Science Studies forms part of the Faculty of Science and is responsible for research and education in history and philosophy of science. The department is currently developing a new graduate program in science studies and is therefore working at broadening its research profile. The department aims at a high degree of collaboration between history, philosophy and sociology of science, and priority will be given to candidates with profiles that include such collaboration or similar forms of proven cross-disciplinary interests.

Candidates must document a strong international research record within science studies. Preferred qualifications include expertise in one of the following areas a) science communication, public understanding of science and history of popular science; b) science, technology and innovation; or c) scientific uncertainty and scientific advice. In addition, candidates must document teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate level. Experience with academic administration is desirable.

Duties will include participation in the development of the department’s new graduate program in science studies and to provide individual courses in science studies for students at the Faculty’s science programs. The successful candidate is also expected to participate actively in the strategic development of the departments research focus on studies of contemporary science, and to participate actively in fundraising.

The successful candidate will be expected to participate in all aspects of the Department’s activities and to be present on a daily basis.

Applications must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, a complete list of publications, a description of future research plans, information about previous research activities and management experience, description of teaching qualifications and of the applicant’s views on or ideas for teaching science studies to science students, and a sample of publications (max 5) (see here for the recommended level of detail).

For more information please contact the Head of Department Hanne Andersen, phone +45 8942 3514; e-mail: hanne.andersen@ivs.au.dk

Formalities and salary range
The Faculty of Science refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.
The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). The recommended level of detail.
Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions.

Deadline: All applications must be made online and received by 20/08/2010

The full add with link to the online application system can be found at http://science.au.dk/en/positions-and-fellowships/academic-positions/

mandag den 14. juni 2010

Merchants of doubt - foredrag med Naomi Oreskes

Tvivlens købmænd
- hvordan en håndfuld videnskabsfolk
saboterede sandheden om den globale

Den fremtrædende amerikanske videnskabshistoriker, professor Naomi Oreskes, University of California, har i mange år forsket i motiver og metoder hos klimaskeptikerne. Som bl.a. tobaksindustriens forsvarere har de brugt det at sprede tvivl i offentligheden som redskab til at bremse politisk handling.
Professor Oreskes og kollegaen Erik Conway har netop udgivet den stærkt roste bo Merchants of doubt, og nu kommer Oreskes til Danmark for at forelæse om klimadebattens sabotører.

Åbning af mødet v. vicedirektør Pelle Guldborg Hansen, ISSP
Velkomst og introduktion v. prodekan, professor Katherine Richardson, KU
Forelæsning v. professor Naomi Oreskes
Debat med publikum

Tid og Sted: Torsdag den 24. juni kl. 19.00
Københavns Universitet, Studiegården, Anneks B, Studiestræde 6

Entre og tilmelding: Deltagelse i mødet er gratis. Tilmelding på www.science-society-policy.org
29 411 383 og issp [at] sam.sdu.dk.

Der kan læses mere om Naomi Oreskes, hendes bog og arrangementet her.

Arrangører: ISSP, Københavns Universitet, og Dagbladet Information.

Skærme for viden - skærmer for viden?

PhD Course (5 ETCS):
Framing Screens:
Knowledge, Interaction and Practice
27-30 September 2010

Technologies in Practice Faculty Group (f.k.a. Design of Organizational IT)

Lecturers: Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University), Helen Verran (University of Melbourne), Christopher Gad (IT University of Copenhagen)

This PhD course aims to unfold empirically and analytically how computer screens and other displays help ‘project’ or otherwise ‘perform’ knowledge, interaction and practice. Screens are increasingly ubiquitous, for example as part of personal computers, televisions, cameras, surveillance equipment, ticketing equipment, mobile phones and other handheld devices. Simultaneously screens play an increasingly important role in a wide range of human practices relating to work, play, travel, care, learning, planning, monitoring, designing, coordinating, modelling, policing and much else. At the same time screens are curious entities. They may stretch human interactions nearby to globally-distributed locations. They seem to multiply the world around us while simultaneously constructing very specific fields of vision. Thus, screens perform cuts between displayed worlds and human knowledge about the world. Screens also mediate human action in particular ways by actively participating in new visions that define and situate action. With their capacity to organize human attention elsewhere screens may enact viewer displacement, as viewers becomes screened off. Thus boundaries may shift between screens, the knowledge they present, the interactions they facilitate and the practices they engender. For these reasons, screens are objects of interest for contemporary social scientific research into technologically mediated environments, including anthropology, cultural/media studies, design studies, and science and technology studies (STS) . Drawing on a range of theoretical traditions the course aims to frame screens by exploring their implications for knowledge, interaction and practice. This includes but is not limited to analytical topics such as:
  • Shifting ’screen’ relationships between practice (e.g. dwelling, working, travelling, playing, planning, controlling) and viewer positions (e.g. onlooker, spectator, user, voyeur, investigator)
  • Variations between heterogeneous on- and off-screen interactions
  • Screens as organizers/disruptors/mediators of human knowledge, experience, perspectives, etc.
  • Space, place and temporalities of screens in local/global/glocal/translocal situations and fields
  • Comparative or exploratory studies of recent ‘hi-tech’ displays (e.g. HD, LCD, mega-screens, 3-D, touch) vs. ‘traditional’ ones (e.g. theatres, windows, veils, frames)
  • Ethnographies of screens including qualitative implications of screen types, modes, juxtapositions, placements and proximities in practice
  • Philosophical investigations of screens including debates about visible/invisible and presence/absence
  • ‘Screen’ as a conceptual metaphor in social studies of technology, in other words what human practices can be understood as ’screening technology’?
Further information and application procedure may be found here: http://itu.dk/en/Forskning/Phd-uddannelsen/PhD-Courses/Screens%20-%20organizers%20of%20knowledge%20and%20interaction.aspx

Syntese af liv, genomer og gnomer

Genomes and the Synthesis of Life:

Technological, Philosophical, and Cultural Aspects

Genomics, proteomics, and synthetic biology are advancing at an ever-accelerating pace. Data, technology, and promises issue forth from these efforts. This conference describes current scientific progress in genomics and the synthesis of life, and then examines these advances from a philosophical and cultural point of view. How are bottom-up (reductionist-analytic) and top-down (holistic-synthetic) methodologies used in this research? What role do mathematical models (e.g., nonlinear dynamics, agent-based models, and network theory) play in contemporary biotechnological efforts? Does physics influence biology? How might we change the way that we look upon ourselves, our capacities, and our potentials, if we were able to synthesize life, or fully interpret the genome, or both?

This conference brings together top researchers in the biological sciences and in the philosophy of science, to explore these questions. The first day focuses on philosophical and cultural matters ("philosophy & culture"), the second day on technological progress ("biology"). There is a roundtable discussion at the end of each day.

There is a registration fee of 300 DKK (including lunch) and only a limited number of seats. Register with your name, address and contact info through phis@ruc.dk.

On 7th and 8th October 2010

Niels Bohr Institute, Auditorium A

Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen


Mark A. Bedau

Reed College, USA

European School of Molecular Medicine, Italy

University of Southern Denmark

John Dupré

University of Exeter, U.K.

Peter Godfrey-Smith

Harvard University, USA

Gerd Müller

University of Vienna, Austria

Steen Rasmussen

University of Southern Denmark

Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther

University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

CPNSS, University of Copenhagen

This conference is organized by PHIS and CPNSS. PHIS is a Danish national collaboration on Ph.D-education in the fields of philosophy, history of science and history of ideas. Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies, is at University of Copenhagen and involves a group of researchers engaged in the interdisciplinary fields of philosophy of science, and science studies.

See detailed programme here (pdf).

Contact person for practicalities: Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, email: rgwinther [at] gmail . com

mandag den 7. juni 2010

Hugin og Munin 257

Hugin og Munin nr. 257, den 7. juni, 2010.

Hermed udsendes Hugin og Munin med links til de enkelte arrangementer og andre nyheder nedenfor. Redaktionen planlægger at udsende endnu et nummer omkring midsommer.


Om tværfagligt samarbejde og fælles viden

Videnskabshistorisk Selskab

Indbydelse til foredrag ved:
lektor, institutleder Hanne Andersen
Institut for Videnskabsstudier, Aarhus Universitet

Opdagelsen af kernespaltning
– om tværfagligt samarbejde og fælles viden

tirsdag den 8. juni, kl. 17.00
Auditorium 10, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet,
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø

Samarbejde, gruppedannelse og tværfaglighed er nogle af de egenskaber, der kaldes på i den naturvidenskabelige forskning. Men hvad er det for komplicerede samspil af tillid, vidensudveksling, og fælles indsigt, forpligtelse og ansvar, som forskningen bygger på, når forskere arbejder sammen? Dette er nogle af de spørgsmål, som videnskabsteorien inden for de senere år er begyndt at fokusere på. Foredraget vil stille skarpt på et meget kendt samarbejde, nemlig Meitner, Hahn og Strassmanns samarbejde om frembringelse af transuraner og opdagelsen af kernespaltning. Ved at se på denne og konkurrerende gruppers arbejde med udforskningen af induceret radioaktivitet vil jeg i foredraget prøve at belyse nogle af videnskabsteoriens analyser af den rolle som tillid, fælles forpligtelse og fælles viden spiller i forskningsprocessen.

Kl. 16.30 inviterer Selskabet på kaffe, te og frugt i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue, rum 04.4.19 på 4. sal. Efter foredraget vil der blive lejlighed til at spise middag med
foredragsholderen for egen regning.

Jesper Lützen, Sekretær

Nyt fra Etisk Råd i Danmark

Det Etiske Råds nyhedsbrev giver en opdatering om de vigtigste forskningsresultater og bioetiske diskussioner verden rundt, foruden at indeholde nyt om rådets arbejde

Nyhedsbrevet udkommer en gang om måneden
Seneste nyheder:

Kina beskyldes for at henrette politiske fanger for at høste organer
Kinesiske myndigheder beskyldes for at have henrettet 9.000 medlemmer af Falun Gong for at deres lunger, lever, nyrer og hud kan anvendes til organtransplantation

Nye metoder til at frembringe embryoner med 3 forældre
Forskere ved Newcastle University har fremstillet i alt 80 embryoner med DNA fra 3 for-ældre. Tidligere har amerikanske fertilitetslæger frembragt børn med en lignende metode

EU vil fremme GMO i Europa – danskerne vil stadig ikke spise dem
EU Kommissionen er i gang med at udarbejde planer for at overlade godkendelsen af GM-afgrøder til de enkelte medlemslande

Bio-økonomien skal løse globale udfordringer med sundhed, miljø og fødevarer
OECD forventer, at bioteknologien vil forbedre menneskers helbred, bruges til at imødegå klimaproblemerne og skaffe føde til verdens hastigt voksende befolkning

Første homoseksuelle par registreret som forældre efter ny britisk lov
Et britisk lesbisk par er blevet det første til at få mulighed for at registrere sig som fæl-les forældre til den datter, den ene af dem fødte den 31. marts

Nyt fra Det Etiske Råd

Nyt Etisk Forum for Unge-undervisningshæfte om organdonation
3. maj 2010
Det Etiske Råd præsenterer i dag Etisk Forum for Unge 2011-undervisningshæftet med titlen Organdonation - livet og døden. Etisk Forum for Unge er et undervisnings- og demokratiprojekt for grundskolens ældste klasser og hæftet kan bestilles gratis

Videnskabscafé: Skal vi lave børn med 3 forældre?
7. juni 2010
Cafe Katz, Frederiksholms Kanal 1
Debat mellem Thomas G. Jensen, Klavs Birkholm og Thomas Søbirk Petersen
Arrangeret af Det Etiske Råd og Videnskabscafeen. Gratis adgang

Videnskabscafe: Klimavenlige GMO’er - kan vi være imod?
29. juni 2010
Cafe Katz, Frederiksholms Kanal 1
Debat mellem Mickey Gjerris og Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Arrangeret af Det Etiske Råd og Videnskabscafeen. Gratis adgang

Kommende arrangementer

Centre for Society and Genomics' International Scientific Conference
Ten Years After - Mapping the Societal Genomics Landscape

27-28th May 2010
the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
Flere informationer og tilmelding

Regenerative Medicine in 21st Century: Managing Uncertainty at the Global Level Conference
9-10 June 2010
The Pyle Center, Wisconsin, Madison
Flere informationer og tilmelding

Is Medical Ethics Really in the Best Interest of the Patient?
14-16 June 2010,
Uppsala Universitet, Sverige
Flere informationer og tilmelding

Sustainable Food Systems - Food for All Forever
29 June 2010
Eigtveds pakhus
The right technological solutions combined with the right policy directions for the future can effectively contribute to a sustainable and equitable global food system
Flere oplysninger og tilmelding

10th World Congress of Bioethics
Theme: Bioethics in a Globalised World

28 – 31 July 2010
Flere informationer

11th EMBL/EMBO Science and Society Conference
The Difference between the Sexes - From Biology to Behaviour

Friday 5 November - Saturday 6 November 2010
EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Flere informationer og tilmelding

The role of biosafety research in the decision making process
Organized by the International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR)
15.-20. November 2010
Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Flere informationer og tilmelding

STS-studieforløb ved Aarhus Universitet

"Studerende med interesse for videnskab, samfund og teknologi har nu mulighed for at blive introduceret til og fordybe sig i dette felt:
STS-centret ved Institut for Informations- og Medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet, indgår fra 2009 i et samarbejde med The European Inter-University Association on Society, Science and Technology (ESST).
Det betyder, at studerende med en afsluttet bacheloruddannelse, kan tage science-technology-studies (STS) kurser på IMV. Hvis du tager 60 ECTS kurser inden for STS, kan du efterfølgende ansøge ESST om at opnå en 1-årig ESST-master.
I efteråret 2010 udbyder IMV således kurserne ”Innovation og teknologi studier” (20 ects) og ”Arbejde, ledelse og organisation” (10 ects), der tilsammen dækker det obligatoriske 1.-semesterpensum på ESST-studiet. Kurserne foregår på dansk, og de udbydes samtidig som kurser på kandidatuddannelsen ved Informationsvidenskab." (...)

Uddrag fra DASTS's site http://www.dasts.dk/?p=953. Se også: http://sts.imv.au.dk/esst/

Matematikkens og logikkens grænser

Symposium i Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab:
Lørdag den 12. juni 2010
Studenternes Hus, Aarhus Universitet

[fra programmet]: "En mur af en vis højde sætter en næsten uoverstigelig grænse. Tænk blot på Berlinermuren. Derfor siger vi for eksempel, at vi løber panden mod muren. Og når en maratonløber har opbrugt sine kulhydrater, så møder han eller hun muren. At det forholder sig sådan, er der i og for sig ikke noget mærkeligt ved. Livet har jo sine grænser. Men det kan undre én, at formale matematiske systemer, som jo er uafhængige af den barske empiriske virkelighed, også har deres mure. Endog nogle, som af principielle grunde er uoverstigelige.

Det var dét, matematikeren Kurt Gödel, beviste med sine to såkaldte ufuldstændighedssætninger, som blev publiceret i 1931. Den første og mest diskuterede går groft sagt ud på, at der indenfor ethvert matematisk system af en vis kompleksitet vil være mindst én sand sætning, hvis sandhed ikke kan bevises med systemets egne midler. I den forstand er systemet ufuldstændigt. Det synes at pege mod en indbygget begrænsning i logisk-matematisk tænkning i det hele taget. Dermed bliver ufuldstændighedssætningen interessant for filosofien – og måske også for teologien."

Henrik Kragh Sørensen: Aspekter af Cantors og Gödels tænkning om matematikkens begrænsninger og religion

Terese M.O. Nielsen: Gödels ufuldstændighedssætning og menneskelig bevidsthed

Dirk Evers: The Significance of Mathematics and Logic for Theology

Concluding panel discussion with Dirk Evers, Helge Kragh, Henrik Kragh Sørensen, Terese Nielsen and Peter Øhrstrøm.

Ph.D. fellowship at PSBio


DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (SKO/post code 1017) in contemporary philosophy of science within the project Philosophical Foundations for Systems Biology (PSBio) is available at The Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo. The position is available for a period of three years.

Full announcement:

PSBiO is a Nordic four-year research project funded by NOS-HS, NORDCORP, and hosted by Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas (IFIKK), University of Oslo. The other Nordic participants are situated at the University of Copenhagen and University of Helsinki. The main goal of PSBio is, by investigating central questions within contemporary philosophy of science in the light of new developments in biology, to contribute to the development of philosophical foundations for the currently expanding discipline of systems biology. PSBio focuses on three main topics:

(1) Systems; causal and explanatory issues: reduction, emergence, mechanisms, downward causation, genetic causation, and the relations between levels and/or domains.

(2) The nature of biological systems: the ontology of systems, the role of genes in relation to other system parts, functional organization, and robustness.

(3) Methods and epistemological issues: philosophical aspects of systems biology modelling, simulations, and “in silico” testing, and epistemological issues of causal reasoning

The research lies at the interface of philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, metaphysics, and empirical biology.

Contact person: gry.oftedal at ifikk.uio.no

Scientific Social Responsibility

17. juni 2010 (1 pm - 5.30 pm):
Scientific Social Responsibility
Konferencecenteret i Fiolstræde, Fiolstræde 44, 1171 København K
Se: "about Scientific Social Responsibility": http://www.dea.nu/Menu/Aktiviteter

The development towards knowledge societies calls for a renewed discussion of the social responsibility of research institutions and actors. This conference aims to set the scene for a wider debate on the role of ‘Scientific Social Responsibility’.

1.00 pm Welcome and introduction
• Maja Horst, associate professor, Copenhagen Business School
• Steen Rasmussen, professor, University of Southern Denmark
• Claus Hviid Christensen, Haldor Topsøe. Moderator

Key Note: SSR - Why does it matter?
Klaus Peter Bøgesø, vice president of external affairs, Lundbeck A/S

Key Note: International perspectives on SSR
Alan Irwin, professor and research dean, Copenhagen Business School

2.00 pm Break
2.20 pm Panel 1: SSR and the daily scientific practice
• Poul Krogsgaard Larsen, professor, University of Copenhagen
• Erik V. Thomsen, professor, Danish Technical University
• Lene Koch, professor, University of Copenhagen
• Mark Bedau, professor, Reed College and University of Southern Denmark

Panel 2: SSR and the impact on research management
• Lene Lange, professor and vice dean, Aalborg University
• Flemming Besenbacher, professor, Aarhus University
• Lars H. Pedersen, Ph.D., Director R&D and Operations

Panel 3: SSR, policy formulation and the national regulation of science
• David Gee, European Environment Agency
• Finn Kjærsdam, rector, Aalborg University
• Hans Müller Petersen, vice director, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation

Final discussion: The future of SSR
• Maja Horst, associate professor, CBS
• Jesper Strandskov, dean, SDU
5.15 pm Wine reception

Deadline for registration: 10 June 2010
Participation fee: There is no participation fee.

Contact persons
Consultant Line Gry Knudsen
Tel: +45 33 42 66 03
Email: lgk@dea.nu
Consultant Søren Elmer Kristensen
Tel: +45 45 96 08 16
Email: sek@atv.dk

CBS - Copenhagen Business School
ISSP - The Initiative for Science, Society and Policy, SDU - University of Southern Denmark

DASTS årsmøde 2010

Den 10. juni til 11. juni er der årsmøde i DASTS - Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies. Det bliver 2 dage med en lang række forskellige oplæg fra forskningsfeltet indenfor STS i Danmark.

I år er det Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, AU, som er vært. På denne side vil man løbende kunne få information om indholdet for årsmødet 2010, det er også herigennem man vil kunne indsende abstracts og tilmelde sig.

Keynote speakers

Professor Tara Fenwick er ansat ved University of Stirling. I 2010 er hun aktuel med ontologien 'Actor-Network Theory in Education'. Hendes forskning er orienteret mod professionsuddannelse og læring i praksis. Med afsæt i nyere ANT, STS og fx kompleksitetsteori undersøger hun blandt andet hvordan vi må forstå læreprocesser i de socio-materielle, diffuse, modsigende aktiviteter som arbejdet er.

Lektor Andreas Roepstorff er ansat ved Aarhus Universitet. Han har en kandidatgrad i biologi og en Ph.d. i antropologi og forsker i hjernens kommunikative og kognitive bevidsthedslag. Han er optaget af, hvordan man kan kombinere hjerneskanninger og etnografisk arbejde, og er således et levende eksempel på hvordan det med STS lader sig gøre at arbejde på tværs af humaniora, samfundsfag og naturvidenskab.

Praktiske informationer: http://www.dpu.dk/site.aspx?p=14410

Se det detaljerede program for DASTS 2010 her.

10. juni - 11. juni 2010

Pris: 1000 kr. Nedsat pris for studerende: 600
Prisen er inklusiv alt undtagen drikkevarer til konferencemiddagen.

Tuborgvej 164
2400 København NV

Organizing committee:
Estrid Sørensen; Katia Dupret Søndergaard; Malou Juelskjær; Cathrine Hasse; Tasha Buch; Camilla Balslev Nielsen, Jesper Hundebøl