mandag den 6. december 2010

Syntesebiologien mellem organisme og maskine

The Department for Media, Cognition, and Communication of the University of Copenhagen, in association with the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics of Oxford University, are pleased to present

Organism and Machine:
The Conceptual and Normative
Challenges of Synthetic Biology

Date: Friday, January 14, 2011, 9.00-17.30
Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, KUA

9.00-9.15: Welcome
9.15-10.15: Peter McLaughlin (Heidelberg), ‘The Blindness of the Watchmaker and the Super-vision of the Breeder’
10.15-11.15: Tim Lewens (Cambridge), ‘Does Mother Nature Know Best? On Rational Organic Design’
11.45-12.45: Randolph Nesse (Michigan, Ann Arbor), ‘How the Machine Metaphor Holds Back Biology and Medicine’
13.45-14.45: Mark Bedau (Reed College), ‘How Emergence Drives the Ethics and Politics of Synthetic Biology’
14.45-15.45: Julian Savulescu (Oxford),’The Ethical Implications of Designing Life’
16.15-17.15: Jacob Boomsma (Copenhagen), ‘Will the Services of Synthetic Organisms be Brief, Transient and Ultimately Dangerous?’
17.15-17.30: Concluding Remarks

REGISTRATION is free, but please e-mail Sune Holm by January 6, 2011 if you would like to attend (suneh [at]

SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY is rapidly emerging as one of the most promising fields of science and technology, with the potential to deliver enormous benefits in a wide range of areas, including pharmaceuticals, energy, agriculture, pollution and climate change. The vision of synthetic biologists is a future where humans engage in the large-scale design and creation of new forms of life that are exquisitely tailored for human purposes. The genetic engineering of organisms, and the wholesale design and manufacture of living things from virtual genetic sequences, are blurring the line between machine and organism, life and nonlife, and the natural and the artificial, transforming the relationship between humankind and nature in ways that are exciting to some people but unsettling for others.

THIS WORKSHOP will bring together an interdisciplinary group of experts, including specialists in evolutionary biology, medicine, bioethics, and philosophy of science, to explore the conceptual, theoretical, and ethical dimensions of the machine-organism distinction. It will aim to address the following questions: Is the traditional machine-organism comparison one of analogy or disanalogy? How do engineering principles and machine metaphors figure into biological and biomedical science, and what are the limits to their utility? How shall we situate the products of synthetic biology vis-à-vis our traditional ontological categories of ‘engineered machine’ and ‘naturally selected organism’? Are these distinctions of normative significance? How might these categories inform (or misinform) bioethical discussions in relation to emerging biotechnologies? A central goal of the workshop will be to highlight the ways in which the conceptual problems associated with synthetic biology inform and shape the ethical analyses.

The workshop is sponsored by UNIK Synthetic Biology, University of Copenhagen

onsdag den 1. december 2010

23. nordiske medisinhistoriske kongress

Call for Papers

The XXIIIrd Nordic Medical History Congress
The Norwegian Museum for Science,
Technology, Industry and Medicine,
25.-27. May 2011

Key Note Speakers: John Pickstone, Ludmilla Jordanova, Nick Hopwood
Graduate students course:
In connection with the congress, Ludmilla Jordanova will chair a graduate students course, limited to 15 students. Wednesday May 25th from 0900 -1300.
Submissions relating to all historical periods and a broad range of topics are welcome, as long as they offer historical perspectives on issues relating to medicine, health and healthcare. Especially encouraged are topics thematizing: * Production of knowledge within different professional groups and among patients in the history of health and medicine * Collection and use of oral sources within health- and medical history * Historical perspectives on medical imaging and the development and use of visual representations within the history of health and medicine * Neurology and brain research. (A new exhibition on this topic opens at the National Medical Museum in spring 2011 and will be presented at the seminar) * History of psychiatry * History of global connections in health and medicine

Abstracts should not exceed one page. They should contain a title and the speaker's contact information (name, affiliation, address and email address). Proposals for sessions
including three or four papers are also welcome. Papers can be in English or a Scandinavian language. Please indicate which language you will use.
Please submit all proposals for papers and sessions, and application for participation in the phd-seminar to or Nasjonalt medisinsk museum, Kjelsåsveien 143, 0491 Oslo no later than 1.March 2011.
Abstracts must be submitted no later than 1.3.2011 .
The conference will start with lunch Wednesday May 25th, and will finish with lunch Friday May 27th. Registration fee will be NOK 2000,-. This includes seminar participation, joint lunch and dinner Wednesday and Thursday, as well as lunch on Friday. Travel and accommodation must be organized and paid for by each participant.
On behalf of the organizating committee:

Olav Hamran
The Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology, Industry and Medicine
medisin [at]

Anne Kveim Lie
Section for Medical Antropology and Medical History,
University of Oslo
a.h.k.lie [at]

Key Note speakers --- Short Biographies:

John Pickstone founded the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Manchester, where he is now Wellcome Research Professor. He has published widely on modern medical history, including the history of cancer, mental health and recent English Health Services. His book Ways of Knowing: A New History of Science, Technology and Medicine (Manchester and Chicago, 2000 – and article in Isis, 2007) is an original attempt to cover the history of science, technology and medicine, emphasising different forms of practices -- a historiographical project he is extending towards communicative arts. Among his other recent publications are Madness, Medicine and Social History Essays in Honour of Roy Porter (Palgrave 2007), Surgeons, Manufacturers and Patient. A Transatlantic History of the Total Hip Replacement (with J. Anderson and F. Neary, Palgrave 2007) and The Modern Biological and Earth Sciences (vol 6 of the Cambridge History of Science, ed with Peter Bowler, 2009).

Ludmilla Jordanova is Professor in Modern History at King’s College, London. She has written widely about the cultural history of science and medicine, on gender and the family and on visual and material culture. She will be known to medical historians for important contributions such as Sexual Visions: Images of Gender in Science and Medicine between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries, (University of Wisconsin Press 1989), Nature Displayed: Gender, Science and Medicine 1760-1820 (Longman 1999), and Defining Features: Scientific and Medical Portraits 1660-2000, (Reaktion Books 2000). She has also written the much used History in Practice (Arnold, 2000, 2nd edition 2006), and is currently completing a book which explores the role of visual and material culture in historical practice, entitled The Look of the Past, to be published by Cambridge University Press.

Nick Hopwood is Senior Lecturer in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, where he runs a Wellcome Trust-funded programme that is reassessing the history of reproduction from antiquity to the present day. He is the author of Embryos in Wax (Whipple Museum, 2002), co-editor (with Soraya de Chadarevian) of Models (Stanford, 2004), co-author (with Tatjana Buklijas) of the online exhibition Making Visible Embryos (2008) and co-editor (with Simon Schaffer and Jim Secord) of Seriality and Scientific Objects in the Nineteenth Century (a special double issue of History of Science, 2010). He is currently finishing a book, Pictures of Evolution and Charges of Forgery, about the most controversial images in the history of science and why they became some of the most standard.

torsdag den 25. november 2010

Bliv bedre - få et Etisk Råd

Nyt fra Etisk Råd:

Medicinsk optimering - til skade eller gavn?

Er det godt eller skidt, hvis flere i fremtiden vælger en medicinsk vej til bedre præstationer, fx i forbindelse med deres uddannelse eller på jobbet? Hvad betyder det for den enkelte og for samfundet, hvis medicin bliver en vigtig faktor i ethvert samvær?

Det Etiske Råd udgiver redegørelse om medicinsk optimering (læs mere her)
Mandag den 29. november udgiver Det Etiske Råd redegørelsen "Medicinsk optimering - etiske overvejelser og anbefalinger". I den anledning indbydes presse, politikere, forskere og andre interesserede til præsentation og en kort debat.

Tid og sted
Mandag den 29. november 2010 klokken 11.00 - 12.30.
Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitetet, Universitetsparken 2, 2100 København Ø (Novo Nordisk- og Lundbeck-studiesalene i venstre bygning, se på kort).

Peder Agger, Det Etiske Råds formand, byder velkommen
Klavs Birkholm, medlem af Det Etiske Råd, præsenterer redegørelsen
Bertel Haarder, indenrigs- og sundhedsminister, kommenterer redegørelsen
Andreas Kimergård, Institut for Idræt, Aarhus universitet, kommenterer redegørelsen
Claus Møldrup, professor ved Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, kommenterer redegørelsen
Spørgsmål og debat
Det Etiske Råds arbejdsgruppe om Medicinsk Optimering vil stå til rådighed for mere indgående spørgsmål og interviews.

Projektleder Thomas Laursen, mobil: 2087 0670
Presseansvarlig Louise Dehn, mobil: 2531 9824

Hugin og Munin 262

Hugin og Munin nr. 262, den 25. november, 2010.

Kære læsere,
hermed udsendes Hugin og Munin med links til de enkelte arrangementer:


Nyhedsbrevet læses på nettet på
mens de fleste arrangementer afvikles i den virkelige virkelighed

Med venlig hilsen Red.

tirsdag den 23. november 2010

Naturalisme i matematikfilosofi


Mikkel Willum Johansen:

Naturalism in the philosophy of mathematics

Time: Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 13:00 OBS: changed to:

Time: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 10:00 am
Place: Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, København, auditorium A.

In modern philosophy of mathematics a number of different naturalistic explanations of mathematical knowledge have been given. In my dissertation I present and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of three such approaches. These are 1) evolutionary biology, 2) cognitive science, and 3) sociology of science. Each of these approaches claim that mathematical knowledge can be explained by a particular type of facts about human nature. The type of facts varies with the approach; the evolutionary biology approach states facts from evolutionary theory, the cognitive science approach states cognitive facts etc.
My aim in the dissertation is double. On the one hand, I want to evaluate the different approaches, but on the other I want to give a new and more adequate naturalistic explanation of mathematics. As I see it, mathematics is much too rich to be understood on a single level of explanation. Explanations solely operating within a single theoretical framework, such as cognitive semantics or evolutionary biology are valuable in many ways, but in my view they inevitably lead to an unproductive reductionism. As I see it, mathematics cannot be reduced to a single type of phenomena or facts. For this reason, the main aim of the dissertation is to show how explanation from both the biological, the cognitive and the social level of explanation can be pieced together to form consistent and non-reductive understanding of mathematics.

The thesis can be downloaded from

Assessment committee:
Professor Carl Winsløv, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen (chairman);
Professor Paolo Mancosu, Department of Philosophy, University of California Berkeley;
Professor Stig Andur Pedersen, Deparment of Philosophy and Science Studies, Roskilde University.

Co-chairman [ordstyrer]:
Kjeld Bagger Laursen, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen

Professor Jesper Lützen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Associate professor Claus Emmeche, Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies, University of Copenhagen.

torsdag den 18. november 2010

Videnskabsstudier på markedspladsen

Public lecture by Karin Knorr Cetina:

As a part of the CBS/ IOA Public Lecture Series ‘Organizing Uncertainty’, Professor Karin Knorr Cetina (University of Chicago, and Bielefeld University) will give a lecture titled ‘The Market as an Object of Attachment: What type of Agent is a Financial Market?’, on Tuesday 7th December, 2011, 16.00-17.30 (followed by a Reception), Copenhagen Business School, SP201, Danske Bank Auditorium (Solbjerg Plads 3, Frederiksberg).

Event information:
December 7, 2010
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm


Vejrskifter, vrede guder, rationalitet og ragnarok

Ny bog fra Aarhus Universitetsforlag:

Vejret gennem 5000 år
Meteorologiens historie
Af Erik A. Rasmussen

”Alle taler om vejret, men ingen gør noget ved det”, sagde Storm P. Fra tidernes morgen har mennesket fascineret betragtet himlen og funde­ret over universets indretning – og lige så længe har vi drømt om at kunne forudsige og måske endda påvirke vejret.

Vejret gennem 5000 år er en rigt illustreret videnskab- og kulturhistorisk beretning om meteorologiens udvikling. De første systematiske observa­tioner af vejret kendes fra mesopotamiske lertavler, mens grundstenen til en egentlig meteorologisk videnskab blev lagt med de græske filosoffers er­kendelse af, at hagl og stormvejr ikke er udtryk for gudernes vrede, men naturfænomener, der kan forklares rationelt.

Bogen følger de videnskabelige gennembrud og vildfarelser, der førte fra oldtidens astrologiske vejrvarsler til nutidens computerbaserede langtids­prognoser. Undervejs inddrages historiske begivenheder, hvor meteorologien har spillet en afgørende rolle – som da vejrudsigterne fik direkte indflydelse på forløbet af de allieredes invasion i Frankrig i juni 1944.

I vore dage prøver vi ikke længere at formidle vejr guderne gennem ritualer, men det diskuteres, om voldsomme cykloner og stigende temperaturer er varsler om kommende klimakatastrofer, og om det er muligt at afværge et sådant ragnarok. Meteorologiske spørgsmål, der har optaget mennesker gennem 5000 år.

Med venlig hilsen
Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Bioborgere, genetiske test og misbrugets neurobiologi

Biomedical Transformations of Life: Knowledge, Learning and the Rise of Biocitizens

A Collaborative Series of International Seminars and Workshops Jointly Organized by the Genetics and Democracy (GaD) Network, Lund University and the Learning and Media Technology Studio (LETStudio), University of Gothenburg

Genetic Tests: Knowledge, Practice and Use
An International Seminar to be held at
the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University,
17th December 2010

Addicts as Biocitizens? Neurobiology, Addiction and Society
An International Seminar 11th March 2011
(Location and Detailed Programme to be Announced)

See more here:

Samfundsvidenskabernes filosofi, rolle og metodesyn

Call for Papers:

Conference on the Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2011
(August 25 & 26, 2011 – University of Copenhagen)

The philosophy of the social sciences is concerned with the multifarious philosophical issues raised by the social sciences. This conference highlights two questions addressed within the philosophy of the social sciences. One is the societal role of the social sciences. The other is the issue of methodological individualism versus methodological holism. There will be two keynote talks on each topic. The conference invites contributions within these two areas as well as within other areas of the philosophy of the social sciences. Moreover, it invites contributions from philosophers of social science and social scientists alike.

Please send a one-page abstract to one of the organizers by Monday, January 31, 2011.
Notification by mid-February 2011

Keynote Speakers:
Patrick Baert (University of Cambridge)
Harold Kincaid (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Mark Risjord (Emory University)
Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University)

Finn Collin (Section of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen): collin [at]
Julie Zahle (Section of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen): jzahle [at]

Conference homepage:

Overflødighedshornet udfordret

History of Science Seminar:
Mon 6 December 2010, 14.15
Lunch room, Niels Bohr Institute
Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen

Ronald E. Doel
Department of History, Florida State University

Challenging Cornucopian Dreams:
M. King Hubbert’s advocacy of peak oil
and natural limits

When we think about scientists who sounded alarms about the limitations of planet Earth, we often recall the ecologist Eugene Odum or biologists like Paul Erlich. Yet one of the most intriguing and influential advocates of natural limits during the Cold War – the Texan-born M. King Hubbert, research director at Shell Oil Company – was an earth scientist. In the early 1960s – after developing the concept of peak oil – Hubbert joined a National Academy of Sciences task force on U.S. natural resources set up on the request of President Kennedy. His conservative estimates of remaining U.S. oil and natural gas – as well as his arguments against overpopulation – sparked condemnation. Nevertheless, after the 1970s oil shortage crisis, he was, at least briefly, upheld as a prophet. To this day, Hubbert’s peak oil research stimulates public debates about natural resource limitations and energy policy. This presentation concentrates on how Hubbert came to be a leading global public figure in energy policy as well as on the social, political, and intellectual factors which shaped and inspired Hubbert’s public activism.


Niels Bohr Archive
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen

tirsdag den 2. november 2010

Det hvide snit gennem dansk psykiatri

Ny bog:

Det hvide snit
Psykokirurgi og dansk psykiatri 1922-1983

af Jesper Vaczy Kragh

Igennem en lang årrække har Jesper Vaczy Kragh arbejdet med psykiatriens historie i Danmark, herunder ikke mindst de særlige fysiske behandlingsmetoder, som vandt frem i landet i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet. Med Det hvide snit. Psykokirurgi og dansk psykiatri 1922-1983 præsenteres emnet udførligt – og for første gang sammenhængende for et dansk publikum.
Blandt danske psykiatere synes der at have været enighed om at anvende terapier som cardiazolchok, insulinkoma og elektrochok til patienter, der var indlagt på sindssygehospitalerne i 1900-tallet. Beretningerne om behandlingerne veksler mellem historier om mirakuløse helbredelser og svære skadevirkninger, mellem tårnhøje bedringsprocenter og effekter på lig nul. Især i forhold til den sidste af de fysiske behandlingsmetoder – lobotomien eller ”det hvide snit”, fremstår terapiens popularitet overraskende. I erindringsbøger skrevet af datidens psykiatere bliver dette hjernekirurgiske indgreb ofte omtalt, og samtidige artikler fra den lægevidenskabelige litteratur vidner også om en meget udstrakt brug af behandlingen. Der tegner sig hermed et billede af en dansk praksis, som ikke syntes at have haft et tilsvarende omfang andre steder i verden.
For mange danske psykiatere udgjorde ikke blot det hvide snit, men også elektrochok og de øvrige behandlingsmetoder, et vendepunkt i psykiatriens udvikling. Den intrikate forestilling, at disse – af eftertiden så hårdt kritiserede – behandlinger repræsenterede en revolution for flere psykiatere, giver anledning til spørgsmålet: Hvordan indgik lobotomien og andre af de fysiske behandlingsmetoder i det større udviklingsprojekt, som tegnede sig inden for dansk psykiatri i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet?
Debatten om de hvide snit føres stadig, og psykokirurgien er den dag i dag et aktuelt emne mange steder i verden. I lande som USA, Storbritannien, Sverige, Spanien, Italien, Belgien, Kina, Australien og Canada udføres der stadig hjerneoperationer på psykiatriske patienter, men med andre teknikker end da lobotomien var fremme. Det er i den seneste tid ofte blevet fremhævet, at denne nye kirurgi er en disciplin i vækst, og planer om at genindføre psykokirurgien har været fremhævet i flere lande – herunder Danmark. Det har samtidig fået flere til at udtrykke bekymring for en gentagelse af fortidens udstrakte brug af psykokirurgien. Det hvide snit er et væsentligt bidrag til denne diskussion.
Klik her for at læse Kristeligt Dagblads artikel om bogen.

Udgivelsesår (udgave): 2010
ISBN: 978-87-7674-403-8
Antal sider:475
Gennemillustreret, Hæftet
Serie: University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, vol. 409
Pris 398,00 DKK

Hjernedoping – den optimerede bevidsthed

Hjernedoping – den optimerede bevidsthed

Professor i neurobiologi og farmakolog på KU, Albert Gjedde
Lektor i videnskabsteori og socialetik Luis Emilio Bruni

Skal raske mennesker tage præstations- og koncentrationsfremmende stoffer? Undersøgelser viser at det sker i stigende grad. Bl.a. bruges ritalin af studerende der skal til eksamen.
Vi spørger om det overhovedet virker på raske? Hvad siger hjerneforskningen? Kan det være farligt?

Og er det en ønskelig udvikling? Er det et udtryk for et skred i normalitetsbegrebet? Er kravene til vores præstationsevne blevet for store? Er der en grænse og hvor går den? Skal vi forbyde kaffe og cola?

Kom og deltag i debatten.

Tid: Torsdag d. 4. november fra kl. 17-19
Sted: Hannover auditorium - Panum instituttet, Blegdamsvej 3b, 2200 Kbh. N
Gratis adgang

Arr. Studenterpræsten på Sund og Science
Peter Nicolai Halvorsen
Københavns Universitet
Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Blegdamsvej 3b,
2200 København N
lok. 15.2.1
TEL 353 27094
MOB 28 75 70 94
praest [at]

mandag den 1. november 2010

Multitalentet Poul Brandt Rehberg

Ny bog fra Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Videnskabens mand
Fysiologen, formidleren og forskningsaktivisten Poul Brandt Rehberg

Af Henrik Knudsen

Pinefulde fysiologiske selvforsøg, kamp for oprettelsen af forskningsråd i Danmark, udskibning af de danske jøder i 1943 og fredsarbejde i atombombens skygge. Den epokegørende nyreforsker Poul Brandt Rehbergs virke strakte sig langt ud over laboratoriets vægge. Han var en af de mest fremtrædende og engagerede danske forskere i det 20. århundrede, og alligevel er det med denne bog første gang, der tegnes et samlet billede af fysiologen, formidleren og forskningsaktivisten Rehberg.

Videnskabens mand går i kødet på Rehbergs nyrefaglige opdagelser, men den portrætterer også hans offentlige liv i alle dets facetter og kaster nyt lys over forskningspolitikkens udvikling i Danmark.

Rehberg var videnskabens mand i samfundslivet: en fagligt velfunderet, afgørende medspiller i hverdagens og historiens dramaer – fra kampen mod nazismens hærgen under besættelsen til fusionen mellem Carlsberg og Tuborg.

Rehbergs liv illustrerer, hvor centralt et element naturvidenskaben er i vores moderne kultur. Det er værd at huske, i en tid hvor forskningens økonomiske værdi vægtes stadig tungere.

DKK 398,00
412 s., indb., ill., 2010
ISBN 978 87 7934 563 8

Med venlig hilsen
Aarhus Universitetsforlag

søndag den 31. oktober 2010

Kold krig kolde steder - STMC-møde


The title of the PhD.-workshop is “Reflections on the knowledge/power nexus in the Global Cold War”, with John Krige, Georgia Tech, School of History, Technology and Society.

Time: 9 December 2010, 9-11.30 AM
Place: Meeting Room, Department of Science Studies, Building 1110, Aarhus University.

Participation in the PhD-workshop is awarded 1 ECTS.
To register for this event and request required readings please contact, no later than 2 December at 10 AM.
Travel costs will be reimbursed for students from other places than Aarhus University.

The Conference:

The title of the conference is “Cold War science, colonial politics and national identity in the Arctic”.

Time: 9 December 2010, 13.00-17.00
Place: Meeting Room, Department of Science Studies, Auditorium, Building 1110, Aarhus University.

Session 1: 13.00 – 14.45
"The Unreliable Nation: Science and theTechnopolitics of Failure"
Edward Imhotep-Jones, Science and Technology Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada

"Elements for a transnational history of cold war science: Asymmetry, hybridity and national identity"
John Krige, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

14.45-15.15 break

Session 2: 15.15 – 17.00
"Cold War and Cold Science. Greenland in Danish-American Relationship 1945-1968."
Thorsten Boring-Olesen, Dept. of History, Aarhus University, Denmark

"Exploring Greenland: Denmark, the US Military and Science and Technology in the Cold War"
Matthias Heymann, Dept. of Science Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark

To read abstracts please go to
For information on both events please seen attached posters.
Coffee, tea and fruit are provided.
Please register for one or both events at before 2 December at 10 AM.

Best wishes
Helene Sloth Borgholm, STMC, Network for Science, Technology and Medicine Studies
Aarhus University, Building 1465-615
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 7, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Email: idehsb [at]

lørdag den 30. oktober 2010

STS-konferenceaktivister søges

Kære alle medlemmer af DASTS
Vi har på CBS sagt ja til at organisere 4S/EASTS konferencen i 2012. Konferencen vil blive holdt på CBS’s campus (Solbjerg Plads og Kilen på Frederiksberg) d. 17-21 Oktober 2012. Vi regner med, at der kommer lidt mere end 1000 deltagere.
Vi glæder os til det, men det er også en stor opgave (og vi skal måske bemærke at den er baseret på frivilligt arbejde). Vi vil derfor gerne invitere alle, som har lyst til at være med til at organisere konferencen til at sende os en mail på denne adresse ( – gerne med angivelse af hvad I har lyst til at hjælpe med.
Vi glæder os til at vise det internationale STS-samfund at vi har nogle spændende STS-miljøer i Danmark og at vi kan afholde en super konference. Og vi regner med at vi skal have det sjovt mens vi gør det!
Susse Georg, Signe Vikkelsø, Alan Irwin og Maja Horst

På vegne af bestyrelsen i DASTS vil jeg gerne give ovenstående arrangement min varmeste anbefaling. Det er et fantastisk intitiativ, som CBS har taget, og det er en enestående lejlighed til at synliggøre dansk STS, for at udvikle faglige kontakter, og for at bidrage til STS-feltets fremtidige udvikling. Jeg melder mig hermed som ‘assisterende organisator’ og håber, at mange andre vil følge med.
Torben Elgaard Jensen (formand for DASTS)

God ‐ a Mathematician?

Ny antologi:

God ‐ a Mathematician?
Proceedings of the Danish
Science‐Theology Forum, Vol. 5
Edited by Helge Kragh and Marie Vejrup Nielsen
University of Aarhus 2010


Helge Kragh
Introduction: Historical and Present Interactions Between Mathematics and Theology

Helge Kragh
The Infinite God and the Infinite Mathematics

Henrik Kragh Sørensen
Relations between mathematics and theology: Theological aspects of the notion of infinity in the history of mathematics

Mikkel Willum Johansen
Does the usefulness of mathematics prove the existence of God?

Terese M. O. Nielsen
Gödelʹs first incompleteness theorem and human language

Peter Øhrstrøm
Some Reflections on Logic and Transcendence

Dirk Evers
The Significance of Mathematics and Logic for Theology

onsdag den 27. oktober 2010

Etik for fantombabier og tillid til spektrale kvinder

on Oct 29th 10-12, The STS-centre at Informations and Media Studies AU, hosts a guest lecture with Monica Casper og Peter-Poul Verbeek:

Monica Casper
Phantom Babies and Spectral Women:
Infant Mortality, Maternal/Child Health,
and Women's Empowerment

This talk will present findings from a multi-sited ethnography of the transnational biopolitics of infant mortality. Specifically, I explore the meanings of infant mortality in relation to the categories "maternal/child health" and "women's health". I suggest that the infant mortality rate (IMR)-an abstract, aggregated, and portable biopolitical object-routinely positions women and their empowerment in essentialist terms of reproductive capacity. That is, women are valued only to the degree that they produce healthy and living babies. In global biopolitical schemes that equate a low IMR with national well-being, women are thus a means to the end of healthy states. Policymakers, clinicians, NGOs, and others deploy the IMR as a demographic concept and indicator in order to reduce unacceptably high rates of infant death. Yet at the same time, by accruing cultural meaning from the gendered and contested field of maternal/child health, this strategy may operate against notions of women as fully human and goals of gender empowerment. I show that maternal/child health is not, in fact, synonymous in discourse or practice with a feminist articulation of women's health or transnational efforts to improve the status of women.

Peter-Poul Verbeek:
Trust and Technology:
on the ethics of human-technology relations

Trust is a central dimension in the relation between human beings and technologies. Many ethical approaches of technology start from distrust, and focus on technological risks. At the same time, in public discourse technology is still often treated as a neutral instrument that is trusted blindly to do what it is supposed to do.
Many approaches to trust and technology depart from a conceptualization of the relation between human beings and technologies as an external relation: a relation between pre-given entities that can have an impact on each other but that do not mutually constitute each other. From this perspective, relations of trust can vary between reliance, as is present for instance in technological extensionism, and suspicion, as in various precautionary approaches in ethics that focus on technological risks.
Against these two interpretations of trust, I will develop a third one. Based on a more internal account of the relations between human beings and technologies, it becomes possible to see that every technological development puts at stake what it means to be a human being. Using technologies, then, implies trusting ourselves to technologies.
By discussing various new technologies, I will argue that this does not imply an uncritical subjection to technology. Rather, recognizing that technologies help to constitute human subjectivity implies that human beings can get actively involved in processes of technological mediation. Trust then has the character of confidence: deliberately trusting oneself to technology.

This open lecture will be held October 29, 10-12
In the meetingroom Ada 333 (Aarhus Universitet)
Åbent for alle interesserede. Website


Ny bog:

ved erkendelsens grænser?
Af Jan Faye

Hvad fortæller videnskabelige teorier os om verden ud over, hvad vi kan observere? Dette filosofiske spørgsmål er særdeles påtrængende i lyset af kvantemekanikken. Og dets besvarelse er grundlaget for kvantefilosofien.
Kvantemekanikken er fysikernes teori om atomerne og deres mindste dele. Ingen fysisk teori har vist sig mere succesrig i sine forudsigelser end den. Men siden Werner Heisenberg formulerede teorien i 1925, har der blandt fysikere og filosoffer hersket uenighed om, hvordan den nærmere skulle forstås. Især dens måde matematisk at repræsentere atomerne på voldte vanskeligheder, som det blandt andet sås i diskussionerne mellem Bohr og Einstein sidst i 1920'erne og 1930'erne. Og baggrunden for konflikten er fortsat lige til i dag.
Det særegne ved atomerne er øjensynligt, at de opfører sig meget anderledes end større ting som kanoer, kanonkugler, katte og kakerlakker. Når man måler på atomare objekter, opdager man, at de kan "føle" hinanden over store afstande, at de kan optræde som en bølge eller som en partikel, og at de vekselvirker med hinanden - uden vi altid bagefter kan skelne deres gøren og laden. Alt sammen på grund af virkningskvantet. Alt til forskel fra den klassiske fysik.
Vanskelighederne med at forstå kvantemekanikken har affødt mange, meget forskellige udlægninger: Nogle går ud på, at visse kvantemekaniske beskrivelser er komplementære, og andre handler om, at det er fysikerens bevidsthed, der indvirker på måleprocessen. Andre igen antager, at der findes skjulte variable, som får dem til at "føle" hinanden, mens endnu andre mener, at verden - hver gang vi observerer en bestemt tilstand hos det atomare objekt - opdeles i et utal af verdener.
Bogen Kvantefilosofi redegør for første gang på dansk for disse mangfoldige fortolkninger, sætter dem ind i deres historiske fremkomst og forholder sig kritisk til dem.

DKK 198.00 (inkl. moms)
169 s., ill., 2010
ISBN 978 87 7934 577 5

mandag den 18. oktober 2010

Racebegrebets udviklingshistorie

Foredrag i Videnskabshistorisk Selskab:

(Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Cruz):

Wir sind alle Afrikaner:
Linnaean, Darwinian, and Genomic Stages in
the History of the Biological "Race" Concept

The very concept of "Race" has a history fraught with political, ideological, and sociological complexity. By definition, a racial proper name (e.g., "African", "Han Chinese") is meant to refer to, and identify, a coherent human group. Racial classifications, rankings, and moral evaluations have been used for the most nefarious of purposes, including genocide. Here I will focus on the biological aspects and definitions of the concept, as it was deployed in the best science of the day (hence I ignore Nazi interpretations of the concept).
An examination of the history of the biological concept shows that it can be roughly categorized into three stages: Linnaean (1735 – ca. 1860s), Darwinian (1871 – ca. 1960s), and Genomic (1972 – ?).
Pre-evolutionary life science thinkers such as Linnaeus, Buffon, Blumenbach, and (the biological/anthropological) Kant were typological in the sense that they held that Homo sapiens could be classified into a small number of sub-species. The causal mechanisms, moral relevance, and future inevitability associated with their biological classifications differed among these thinkers, but they all proposed a small number of races, each with essential properties. Linnaeus was the 'trailblazer' of this stage – his Systema Naturæ (1735) suggested four races, or "varieties" of Homo sapiens: americanus, europaeus, asiaticus, and afer.
Darwin changed all of this. With Darwin's Origin of Species (1859) and especially The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871), genealogy and history, variation and possibility for change, became critical. Small-scale heritable differences, physical plasticity, and adaptation to local environments, also in Homo sapiens, were now emphasized. This sort of variational thinking was central to the 20th century biological work of Franz Boas, Theodosius Dobzhansky, and Julian Huxley.
Richard Lewontin's genetic+protein study "The Apportionment of Human Diversity" (1972) is a trailblazer (though not the only one) in the genomic rebooting of the biological "race" concept. Since Lewontin's landmark investigation, numerous methods (e.g., SNPs, haplotypes, statistical procedures, and computer algorithms) have been developed to refine data analysis and classificatory inference. Today, in the human classificatory efforts of the Genomics Age, there is a focus on determining ancestry and "who exactly are you?" We follow Darwin in emphasizing patterns of human genetic variation, yet we also seem to yearn for typological ancestral essences. Who exactly are you/we? The data indicate that Homo sapiens may justifiably be classified—abstracted—in loose and highly-variable small groups, but not reified in overarching races. Yet, as indicated in an ongoing exhibition at the Neues Museum in Berlin, we are all Africans. Small globally-distributed ethnicities and a shared African heritage? The biological concept of race (or human "group", "cluster", "population") clearly requires forward-looking rethinking.

tirsdag den 26. oktober, kl. 17
Tuesday 26 October at 5 p.m.
Auditorium 8, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet,
Universitetsparken 5, København

Kl. 16.30 byder Selskabet på kaffe, te og frugt i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue, rum 04.4.19 på 4. sal.

søndag den 17. oktober 2010

Genstandenes sprog og videnskaben om fortiden

Videnskabshistorisk Selskab ( indbyder til foredrag:

Lektor Kasper Risbjerg Eskildsen
(Videnskabsstudier, Institut for Kultur og Identitet, RUC)

The Language of Objects:
Christian Jürgensen Thomsen’s
Science of the Past

tirsdag den 7. december 2010, kl. 17.00
Auditorium 8, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet,
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø

Foredraget holdes på dansk
The Danish amateur scholar Christian Jürgensen Thomsen has often been described as a founder of modern “scientific” archaeology. Thomsen’s innovation, this paper argues, reflected developments within neighboring fields, such as philology and history. He reacted against historians who limited themselves to histories of texts, and therefore abandoned the earliest human history. Instead he proposed a new history of objects, which included the entire history of humankind. Thomsen’s work as director of the Museum of Nordic Antiquities in Copenhagen was especially important for this renewal. The arrangement of artifacts not only helped him formulate his theories, but also allowed him to present his arguments in a language of objects. Thomsen’s definition of archaeology as a museum science simultaneously placed his branch of archaeology in a closer relationship with other museum sciences, such as geology and comparative anatomy. From the 1840s, Thomsen’s museum became a model for how the study of human artifacts could deliver scientific insights into human nature and the laws of human development.

Kl. 16.30 inviterer Selskabet på kaffe, te og frugt i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue, rum 04.4.19 på 4. sal. Efter foredraget vil der blive lejlighed til at spise middag med foredragsholderen for egen regning.
Jesper Lützen, Sekretær

lørdag den 16. oktober 2010

Geometriens indhold og renhed

Videnskabshistorisk Selskab indbyder til foredrag:

Professor Paolo Mancosu
(Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley):

On the relationship between
plane and solid geometry

tirsdag den 11. januar 2011, kl. 17.00
Auditorium 8, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet,
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø

Traditional geometry concerns itself with planimetric and stereometric considerations, which are at the root of the division between plane and solid geometry. To raise the issue of the relation between these two areas brings with it a host of different problems that pertain to mathematical practice, epistemology, semantics, ontology, methodology, and logic. In addition, issues of psychology and pedagogy are also important here. In this talk (which is based on joint work with Andy Arana), my major concern is with methodological issues of purity.
In the first part I will give a rough sketch of some key episodes in mathematical practice that relate to the interaction between plane and solid geometry. In the second part, I will look at a late nineteenth century debate (on "fusionism") in which for the first time methodological and foundational issues related to aspects of the mathematical practice covered in the first part of the paper came to the fore. I conclude this part of the talk by remarking that only through a foundational and analytical effort could the issues raised by the debate on "fusionism" be made precise. The third part of the talk focuses on a specific case study which has been the subject of such an effort, namely the foundational analysis of the plane version of Desargues' theorem on homological triangles and its implications for the relationship between plane and solid geometry. Finally, building on the foundational case study analyzed in the third section, in the fourth section I point the way to the analytic work necessary for exploring various important claims on "purity", "content" and other relevant notions.

Kl. 16.30 inviterer Selskabet på kaffe, te og frugt i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue, rum 04.4.19 på 4. sal.
Efter foredraget vil der blive lejlighed til at spise middag med foredragsholderen for egen regning.

Dyrisk eller ædel?

Ny bog fra Aarhus Universitetsforlag:

Antropologiens idéhistorie
2500 års konstruktion af os selv og de fremmede

Af Ole Høiris

Ethvert individ og samfund opfatter sig selv som enestående og gør de andre til fremmede - grænsen for ens identitet standser der, hvor den fremmedes begynder. Dette spil mellem identiteter og fremmed­had har lige siden antikken optaget filosoffer, for fattere og opdagelsesrejsende.
Men fra antropologiens perspektiv skifter individer og men­neskegrupper også mellem at definere sig selv som helt unikke og som brikker i et større universelt projekt om f.eks. kristendommens udbredelse eller udvikling af civilisation.
Antropologiens idéhistorie følger diskussionerne om "os og dem" hele vejen op til det 20. århundrede og viser, hvordan ideen om den fremmede har tjent mange forskellige formål. I beskrivelsen af den fremmede som enten dyrisk eller ædel skabes fundamentet for egen selvforherligelse eller en indadrettet kulturkritik.
Via disse hovedspor optegner forfatteren de 2500 år lange linjer bag vores identitetsdannelse samt konstruktionen af de eksistentielle byggesten, som karakteriserer vores forskelligartede kulturer.

DKK 398.00
516 s., indb., 2010
ISBN 978 87 7934 564 5
Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Kort dansk semiotikerkort

Ny bog:
Danske tegn
Dansk betydningsforskning præsenteret i korte intellektuelle biografier

redigeret af Torkild Thellefsen, Bent Sørensen, Peer Bundgård

Denne bog består af små intellektuelle lynbiografier af danske forskere/filosoffer, der på den ene eller den anden måde beskæftiger sig eller har beskæftiget sig med menneskelig betydningsdannelse, med tegn, fortolkning af tegn, tegnprocesser i sproget, i hjernen, i bevidstheden, i kulturen, i naturen. Hensigten med bogen er for det første, at tegne en art nogenlunde dækkende landkort over den semiotiske forskning i Danmark, nu, i de seneste 40 år, og en smule gennem tiden. Læseren vil altså få konkret indblik i, hvilke emner man som semiotiker kan forholde sig til, hvilke metoder man kan eller har taget i anvendelse til den ende, samt hvilke forskellige teoretiske fronter og uenigheder der kan dannes i den forbindelse. Dernæst er det selvfølgelig også meningen med bogen, at man som læser vil kunne danne sig et hurtigt og nyttigt overblik over en given teoretikers arbejde og interesser gennem tiden. Man får en art lynkursus i vedkommendes intellektuelle liv og beskæftigelser.

Books on Demand
ISBN 978-87-7114-093-4, Hardcover, 216 Sider.
Bestilles gennem Forlaget Semiosis:

fredag den 15. oktober 2010

ISSP nyhedsbrev om videnskab samfund og politik

Welcome to the October issue of the ISSP Newsletter keeping you up to date with ISSP and related activities, news and events. Like all our activities, the newsletter aims to promote ISSP's central goal: creating a sound public dialogue between science, society, industry and policy makers about some of the challenges facing us as collaborate.

We hope that you will find the time to sit down with a good cup of coffee and explore this month’s expanded ISSP-newsletter, where the left column features the standard Newsletter and the right column features our selected News-items.

Best regards,
Mark Bedau, Director & Pelle Guldborg Hansen, Co-Director
ISSP - Initiative for Science, Society and Policy

fredag den 8. oktober 2010

Kødets fristelser og det øko-moralske klima

Det Etiske Råd inviterer til debatmøde:

Klima og fødevarer:
Hvor langt skal vi gå i forhold
til at spise klimavenligt?

Bør vi i større omfang spise grønt af hensyn til klimaet og de mennesker i ulandene, der får deres muligheder for at dyrke afgrøder ødelagt?

Og hvis vi har et ansvar for at vælge klimavenligt, er det så et ansvar, vi må påtage os hver især, når vi står ved køledisken, eller er det politikerne, der må tage ansvaret ved fx at lægge afgifter på klimabelastende madvarer?

Kom og deltag i debatten torsdag den 14. oktober 2010 fra kl. 16.30. til 18.00.

Sted: KafCaféen, Skindergade 3, 1159 København K


Morten Dige, lektor, ph.d., Institut for Filosofi og Idéhistorie, Århus Universitet

Mickey Gjerris, lektor, ph.d., Center for Bioteknologi og Riskovurdering, Københavns Universitet

Med venlig hilsen
Det Etiske Råd

Finanskrisen som videnssociologisk problem

IOA Public Lecture Series ‘Organizing Uncertainty’: As a part of this lecture series, Donald MacKenzie will give a lecture on 18th November, 15.00-17.00, CBS, Solbjerg Plads. Please book a place by contacting Katja Høeg Tingleff.

Professor Donald MacKenzie, University of Edinburgh
18th November, CBS, Solbjerg Plads
The Credit Crisis as a Problem
in the Sociology of Knowledge

A number of scholars have recently been applying perspectives from the social studies of science and technology to financial markets, an activity sometimes called “social studies of finance”. Amongst the questions this work throws up is how market participants evaluate financial instruments, an issue which is (amongst other things) a problem in the sociology of knowledge.
This talk will present a historical sociology of the clusters of evaluation practices surrounding three classes of financial instrument (CDOs, i.e. collateralised debt obligations; ABSs, asset-backed securities; and a fateful concatenation of the two, ABS CDOs) that together account for more than half the losses that triggered the near-collapse of the global banking system in autumn 2008. (These clusters of evaluation practices are loosely analogous to Knorr Cetina’s “epistemic cultures” and to other uses of the term “culture” in social studies of science, but one of the issues to be debated is whether the term “culture” is appropriate here.) I will suggests ways in which those clusters of practices, the interactions between them, and the ways in which they became organisational routines (especially in the rating agencies that awarded credit ratings to CDOs and ABSs) help explain the crisis. The talk will not assume any prior knowledge of finance, and will explain what CDOs, etc. are. It will be based on a set of 87 predominantly oral-history interviews (29 conducted before the crisis and 58 after it), mainly with the constructors, traders and modellers of instruments of this kind and with employees of the rating agencies.

Please book a place by contacting
Katja Høeg Tingleff (kht.ioa [at]
Donald MacKenzie’s lecture will be followed by a reception at Solbjerg Plads

Kompleks videnskab om en utilgængelig verden

The Niels Bohr Archive
History of Science Seminar Wed 27 October 2010, 14.15
Aud. A, Niels Bohr Institute
Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen

Gregory A. Good
Director, Center for History of Physics,
American Institute of Physics, College Park, U.S.A.

Inaccessible Earth:
Geomagnetism, In Situ Measurements,
Remote Sensing, and Proxy Data

ABSTRACT: The usual problems of measurement and its meaning are complicated and magnified when the object of study is in principle and in fact inaccessible. When a phenomenon occurs in a place where our instruments cannot reach, what can the relation between the instrument, its reading, and the phenomenon be? This essay asks how researchers have addressed questions about inaccessible processes of the Earth's magnetic field on and under its surface and at the edge of space. This case takes us beyond simple contrasts of inductive and deductive methods, or field sciences versus basic sciences, to a messier, more nuanced view of inherently complex sciences. The talk focuses on investigations of the Earth's magnetism and electricity, but its perspectives are applicable to many areas of recent science.

Niels Bohr Archive
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen

torsdag den 7. oktober 2010


Invitation til heldagskonference onsdag den 8. december 2010:

Videnskabsteori og menneskesyn
i uddannelsessystemet
- om alternativer til central styring og kontrol

Konferencen henvender sig til alle, der har at gøre med pædagogisk arbejde, undervisning og forskning - fra vuggestue til universitet - praktisk og teoretisk såvel som administrativt og politisk.

På konferencen tages der afsæt i den aktuelle uddannelsespolitiske situation. Således vil konferencens seks oplægsholdere søge at belyse de uddannelsesmæssige forhold ud fra deres fundering i forskellige videnskabsteoretiske positioner, samt pege på konsekvenserne af at tænke uddannelse ud fra alternative videnskabsteorier og menneskesyn. Med konferencen ønsker Sophia således at belyse, hvorledes man ved at anlægge en analytisk‐undersøgende tilgang med videnskabsteori og menneskesyn som forståelsesramme, kan anskue og opfatte uddannelsessystemet og dets aktuelle forhold, samt på kvalificeret vis kan bidrage til udvikling af uddannelsessystemet og dets pædagogiske teori og praksis.

Venlig hilsen
Tænketank for pædagogik og dannelse

Tel. 70 23 66 67

Praktiske oplysninger
Tid og sted: 08.12.2010, kl. 09.40 – 16.30
på Hotel Scandic Copenhagen, Vester Søgade 6, 1601 København V

Der er morgenmadsbuffet fra kl. 09.00 til kl. 09.40
Pris: Kr. 1275,‐ (studerende kr. 650,‐) Prisen dækker materiale til konferencen/hvidbog, morgenmad, frokost inkl. 1 vand/øl samt kaffe/te og andre forfriskninger hele dagen.
Tilmelding: Senest 05.11.2010 pr. mail til: bha@sophia‐
eller via www.sophia‐
Arrangør: SOPHIA – tænketank for pædagogik og dannelse

mandag den 4. oktober 2010

Social ansvarlig videnskab og teknologiudvikling

The 8th INESPE Lecture on the Social Responsibility of Engineers and Scientists

Stephanie J. Bird:

Socially Responsible Science
and Engineering: What is Expected?

Monday, October 18, 2010 at 13.15 hours
Room 2-0.69/70
Copenhagen Institute of Technology / Aalborg University COPENHAGEN
Lautrupvang 2, DK-2750 Ballerup.

Scientists and engineers are generally well regarded and respected for their technical knowledge and expertise. While the general populous considers the science and engineering communities to be part of society as a whole, these communities can seem to consider themselves apart from society, particularly with regard to professional standards, values and responsibilities. As a result, those within and those outside of science and engineering may have different expectations regarding the concept of socially responsible science and engineering. Explicit discussion among members of the science and engineering communities and also with the larger society regarding the range of professional responsibilities and the meaning of social responsibility is essential. Open, proactive discussion is key to clarifying and enhancing the role of science, technology and engineering in promoting the aims of society.

Stephanie J. Bird, PhD is an independent consultant and co-Editor-in-Chief of Science and Engineering Ethics, an international publication that explores ethical issues of concern to scientists and engineers. Now in its 16th year, the journal is widely abstracted and indexed and has been cited by the National Academies as a leading resource for scholarly articles on research integrity. Dr Bird was formerly Special Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Research of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where she developed educational programs that address ethical issues in research and the professional responsibilities of scientists and engineers. She is a laboratory-trained neuroscientist whose current research interests emphasize the ethical, legal and social policy implications of scientific research, especially in the area of neuroscience. Dr. Bird has written numerous articles on issues in the responsible conduct of research and on mentoring and other responsibilities of science and engineering professionals. She also lectures, conducts workshops and is a consultant to government agencies, institutions of higher learning, professional societies, and law firms in the United States and other countries.

More info on the INESPE Lecture Series on the Social Responsibility of Engineers and Scientists at . The Lecture Series is organized in collaboration with Department of Education, Learning and Philosophy at Aalborg University.

tirsdag den 28. september 2010

Klædelig kemihistorie

1-dagskonference om tekstilkemi-historie for bl.a. interesserede i videnskabs- og teknologihistorie, arkæologi m.v.:

Kemi og Klæ’r
Tekstilkemi i historisk perspektiv

Hovedmøde i Kemisk Forening
28. april 2011 (tilmeldingsfrist 28. marts)
Nationalmuseet, Brede Værk
Pris: 250 kr. (undtaget medlemmer af Kemisk Forening)

Dansk Selskab for Historisk Kemi & Kemisk Forening
Center for Tekstilforskning (CTR)
Nationalmuseet, Brede Værk


8.30 – 9.00 Registrering og kaffe/te m. rundstykker
9.00 – 9.10 Velkomster

9.10 – 9.30 Lektor Joy Boutrup, Designskolen i Kolding & forskningskemiker, lic.scient. Ture Damhus, Novozymes
Indledning: Tekstiler og tekstilkemi - grundbegreber og processer

9.30 – 10.00 Professor Helge Kragh, Institut for Videnskabsstudier, AU
Aspekter af tekstilfarvningens kemihistorie

10.00 – 10.30 Konservator Annemette B. Scharff, Konservatorskolen & konservator Maj G. Ringgaard, ph.d., Nationalmuseet / Center for Tekstilforskning
Indigo i arkæologiske tekstiler

10.30 – 11.00 Cand.scient. Karin M. Frei, ph.d., Center for Tekstilforskning
En ny geokemisk proveniens-metode – også til forhistoriske, farvede tekstiler

11.20 – 11.50 Fhv. museumsinspektør, Kirsten Rykind-Eriksen, Konserveringscentret i Vejle
En hjørnesten i dansk tekstilkunst. Om Ejnar Hansens arbejde 1920-60 med at forbedre de syntetiske farver

11.50 – 12.20 Lektor Joy Boutrup, Designskolen i Kolding
Ætsetryk på tyrkisk rødt og kemiske reserver under anilinsort

12.20 – 12.50 Konservator Maj G. Ringgaard, ph.d., Nationalmuseet / Center for Tekstilforskning
Borhydrid til blegning og konservering af gulnede tekstiler

12.50 – 13.50 Frokostpause m. sandwiches

13.50 – 14.20 Seniorforsker Yvonne Shashoua, ph.d., Nationalmuseets Bevaringsafdeling
Nedbrydning og konservering af plastik-accessories

14.20 – 14.40 Fhv. forskningsdirektør Knud Aunstrup, Enzyme Business i Novo Nordisk
Afsletning af bomuldstekstil: en af de ældste anvendelser af mikrobielle enzymer – og kimen til verdens største enzymproducent

14.35 – 14.50 Fhv. produktchef Hans Adam Hagen, Novozymes
"Stone-wash" af cowboybukser – mekanisk fysik versus biokemi

14.50 – 15.05 Forskningskemiker, lic.scient. Ture Damhus, Novozymes
Fra vaskefiasko til tekstilsucces – en overraskende udvikling med en industriel oxidoreduktase

15.30 – 16.30 Rundvisning v. museumsinspektør Signe Lykke Littrup, Brede Værk

16.30 – 17.00 Vin & snacks